Chapter 9: Happy birthday, Silas! - part 2

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TW: dub-con, sexual themes, blood, mild violence, infidelity

Feel free to skip this part of the story if the themes make you uncomfortable. You won't miss any crucial information by proceeding directly to part 3. For those who choose to continue reading, please note that this is my first attempt at writing a story like this, and I hope you still enjoy it!

About a year and a half ago...

Charlie ascended the staircase with unsteady steps, her eyes clouded by the haze of intoxication while Caiphus supported her with an arm draped over her shoulders. She excitedly rambled on about the hotel and its residents and her redemption plan while clinging to the railing for dear life, trying not to lose balance.

"I just...I just want everyone here to be happy, you know?" Charlie's words were slurred, and she blinked a few times.

In her drunkenness, she didn't notice that Caiphus was only pretending to pay attention. He let her do the talking while he scanned his surroundings as if searching for something or trying to remember the way. He noticed several randomly placed security cameras on the walls.

"Sure thing, sweetheart. Now tell me, which of these rooms is yours?" He inquired with a sly smirk, his voice sounding flirty.

Charlie waved her hand, vaguely gesturing to the end of the hall. "Th-there," she giggled. "But occupied rooms are not part of the tour."

Caiphus smiled, sensing an opportunity. "What if I asked you very nicely, would you make an exception? I just want to see yours," he purred, giving her a playful wink. "I've always wondered how a princess lives. Please..."

Charlie gave it a quick thought, an index finger pressed to her lips. "Okay, then!" She agreed with tipsy enthusiasm. "But my room is really..." she trailed off for a moment, "...nothing...nothing special. Every guest can decorate...arrange their own room ho-however they like! And...and believe me, some have much fancier rooms than me!" A memory of her surprise at seeing Alastor's over-the-top room for the first time made her snort.

Charlie released Caiphus's hand and stumbled toward her room's door. After fumbling with her pants pocket, she extracted a small, black key. With unsteady hands, she made numerous attempts before finally inserting it into the lock. She reached for the doorknob, several of them dancing before her blurry vision.

"What is wrong with me? I barely drank anything..." she thought, pulling her hand back and leaning against the wall with closed eyes, attempting to steady herself.

Caiphus looked around and noticed one of the cameras pointing right at them. He rested his right hand on the wall beside Charlie's head, then bent over her and puckered his lips, leaning in for a kiss. He reached into his pants pocket with his left hand, fingers wrapping around a small object inside. A subtle click echoed as he activated it, shutting off the stalking camera. He pulled his hand out, grabbed Charlie by the chin and pressed his lips to hers hungrily. Charlie was too shocked to react immediately. She looked at the hellhound for a moment, completely paralyzed, before pushing him away.

"H-hey! W-what are you doing?!" She stammered out.

"Oh, come on, you've been flirting with me the whole night!" He chuckled before leaning into her ear and whispering. "I know you want this, girl. Why else would you lead me all the way here?"

Charlie shuddered in fear and revulsion. "You asked me to s-show you my room! I thought you wanted to...wanted to...Oh."

Why did she even get the idea of giving someone a private tour? She was pretty drunk and didn't use her brain. Not only was this guy way bigger than her, but he also looked pretty intimidating. Charlie quickly started to regret letting her guard down.
She tried to squeeze past him.

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