Chapter 6: A Morningstar is born

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Charlie was taken to the hospital as fast as possible, her body writhing in pain as she clutched her swollen belly. Caiphus and Vaggie loaded her into the hotel limo, not without a lot of commotion caused by the hotel's residents. Lucifer and Lilith, who had not yet departed after their visit, got into the car with them, no less surprised by the sudden turn of events. Angel Dust, Niffty and Cherri Bomb quickly crowded onto the opposite seat, burning with curiosity but also a concern for Charlie. Vaggie has been nervously stroking her girlfriend's hair throughout the frantic ride, while Caiphus kept repeating that it was an accident, to which Charlie finally agreed, not wanting to cause any more unnecessary fuss. Husk decided to stay behind, excusing himself by saying he doesn't like hospitals, and so did Alastor, who, uninterested in the baby and the hullabaloo surrounding it, driven by his own motives, volunteered to safeguard the hotel until Charlie returns, much to Vaggie's disapproval.

Now, almost an hour later, everyone was huddled in the waiting room of the private clinic, nervously awaiting news about Charlie, who had been taken into care by the doctors immediately after arriving at the hospital. The waiting room was very modern, much nicer than what they were used to seeing in the Pride ring. The walls were decorated with photos of happy families with children of various ages, soothing music emanated from the wall-mounted speakers, and there was even a lonely plant sitting in the corner of the room. The overall impression was spoiled only by the omnipresent smell of disinfection. Vaggie was pacing back and forth, her eyes darting to the maternity ward entrance where Charlie was taken to, with worry etched across her face. Lucifer stood near the window, his arms crossed and brows furrowed, accompanied by his wife. The rest of the group was sitting on chairs, silent with anticipation.

After what felt like an eternity, the heavy double doors swung open, and a female doctor finally emerged from the room, approaching the group with a clipboard with Charlie's medical records in hand, all eyes locked onto her.
The doctor cleared her throat, feeling the anticipation in the air, but otherwise didn't bat an eyebrow. She was a sinner, a tall fox demoness with golden fur and sharp emerald eyes. Over the years that she had served the Morningstar family and treated their various ailments, nothing could faze her anymore. She helped to bring Charlie into the world years ago, and now it was time for the next generation.

"We examined Miss Charlotte thoroughly, and unfortunately, it is too late to stop the contractions. Therefore, my medical team is preparing her for the delivery," she announced sternly.

Vaggie shuddered with unease. "Will she be okay? Will the baby be okay?" She asked, her voice trembling.
"Hard to say at this point," the fox answered, flipping through the medical records, "given the amount of stress she endured throughout her pregnancy, it appears to be the primary cause of this premature labor. But don't worry," she added, her voice softer now. "I've delivered many premature babies. It is never an easy task, I won't lie, but I promise we will do our best."
Vaggie knew she had no choice but to hope and believe.
"Now, the crucial question remains..." the doctor's gaze swept across the group, her eyes lingering for a moment on each individual before she continued, "...who will accompany her to the delivery room? The baby's father, I presume?" She glanced with a raised eyebrow at Caiphus, standing off to the side, trying not to draw too much attention to himself.

Caiphus paled, terrified at the thought of being present at the birth. He couldn't let his tough image crumble, but before he could think of a decently intelligent response, Vaggie put up her hand.
"I'll go." She declared firmly.
The Hellhound arched an eyebrow, feeling threatened by her eagerness. Was he really going to allow himself to be put to shame by this woman standing in his way in the pursuit of claiming the crown?
"No need for that, I'll handle it," he retorted, pushing her aside with a force that sent her stumbling.
Vaggie regained her composure and turned on him with a furious look. "Don't you think you've done enough damage for today?" She spluttered. "You are the last person she needs to see right now!"
"I didn't do anything, she made that clear herself." He smirked, his confidence returning. "Besides, it's my child, not yours. I have every right to be there." He stated casually, watching the pained gleam in Vaggie's eyes with pleasure.
Vaggie took a deep breath. She refused to let this moron throw her off balance. "And I am her girlfriend. She needs ME by her side," she answered calmly, despite the anger bubbling under her surface. "You might be the biological father, but I am the one who has been there for her throughout this whole damn mess when YOU were nowhere to be found."
Niffty, the little ever-positive dynamo, interjected, seeking to find a resolution. "Maybe we should let Charlie decide who she wants with her." She suggested. "It's her call, after all."
Angel nodded in agreement.
The doctor rubbed the bridge of her nose and let out a sigh. "If the two of you cannot come to an agreement, I think it's best to let Miss Morningstar make the decision herself."
With those words, she turned and disappeared back into the room, leaving the arguing duo behind. Vaggie grinned triumphantly at Caiphus, confident in her victory. There was no way Charlie would pick him over her. Caiphus frowned at her, secretly relieved because if Charlie did choose Vaggie, he wouldn't have to be there and could save face. An absolute win-win. Sadly, when the doctor returned a few minutes later, his plans were shattered.
"She is okay with both of you being there," the doctor revealed, delivering the final blow.

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