Chapter 7: Shadow bonds

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Charlie, wearing comfortable jeans and a loose white T-shirt, stepped out of the pink-white limousine outside the Hazbin Hotel, her gaze immediately fixated on the radiant neon glow of the Vacancy sign above the entrance. She was tired but happy to be home. Every spare moment during the past few weeks had been dedicated to her son, telling him stories and describing the world outside the sterile hospital walls while Vaggie ran the hotel in her absence. And today was finally the day she could show him the world she told him so much about.
Charlie looked down at a baby car seat in her hand, with Silas, her precious cargo, nestled within. Wrapped in a soft blanket, his eyes darting around as he took in the unfamiliar surroundings.
"Welcome home, sweetie," she smiled, her finger lovingly tracing the contours of his tiny nose.

Then, Charlie took a deep breath, slowly opened the hotel's front door and stepped inside. The sight before her instantly brought a smile to her tired face - she was greeted by colorful balloons floating around and walls adorned with festive garlands and banners proclaiming "It's a boy!" and "Welcome home!" She knew without a doubt it was Vaggie's doing. Who else would put so much love and care into it? As if summoning her with her thoughts, Vaggie's slender figure emerged from the corridor's shadows and walked towards her. Charlie closed the door behind her with a soft click, placed the car seat beside her on the floor, and let Vaggie hug her tightly, their lips meeting in a tender kiss. Breaking apart, Vaggie lowered herself to Silas' level to gently stroke his head.
"You're finally here." The demoness smiled, standing up again.
Charlie picked up the infant seat from the ground, Vaggie took her free hand and walked with her to the common room, where the other hotel residents and a small welcome party that Vaggie had prepared awaited them.

As soon as they entered the room, decorated as richly as the rest of the hotel, everyone's eyes turned in their direction.
"Welcome back, Charlie! And little Silas too!" Angel Dust cheered, his voice laced with genuine enthusiasm. He twirled around, tossing confetti into the air, creating a shower of colors that rained down on the mother and child.
Charlie smiled warmly. "Thank you, everyone, it feels good to be back home."
The demons immediately swarmed around her like bees to a honeypot, making faces at the baby, pinching his cheeks and patting his head.
"Be careful, please," Charlie tried to gently moderate them, clutching the car seat tightly in both hands so that none of the overzealous demons wouldn't snatch it away. "Let's take turns, one at a time." Her grip tightened, her voice carrying a hint of caution.
But no one seemed to be listening to her.

As another persistent sinner reached out, grabbing Silas by the tufts of hair, the little boy burst out crying with a high-pitched wail that threatened to shatter eardrums. Charlie quickly placed the seat on the nearest table and pulled her son out of it, cradling him against her chest and rocking him while whispering words of comfort in a low voice. An obviously upset KeeKee emerged from somewhere, assuming a protective stance beside the princess, and started hissing threateningly at the demons, causing them to take two steps back.
Charlie smiled to herself. When she told her parents about KeeKee's fierce protectiveness, they weren't surprised at all. Her mom just laughed, reminiscing how KeeKee acted precisely the same way when she was pregnant with Charlie - practically attacking everyone but Lucifer. And it didn't change much after Charlie was born. The black cat was determined to defend their family for generations, and now it was Silas's turn to be guarded.
Vaggie pulled out a spear and aimed it towards the crowd. "She said one at a time," the demoness hissed, joining KeeKee as the little one's protector.

The demons humbly began lining up with their heads lowered. As they approached Charlie one by one, she placed the baby in their arms for a moment, let them cradle him, and then took him back. And the whole time, she made sure they handled him with care. Everyone got their turn, and the sinners dispersed to begin the celebration. That is, almost everyone got their turn.
Charlie noticed Alastor standing apart from the curious crowd. He probably believed that waiting in line was beneath his eccentric persona, a thought that wouldn't have surprised the princess, given the demon's notorious ego. With Silas in her arms, she headed in his direction.
"Hi, Al," she smiled at the hotel's patron, catching his attention.
The Radio Demon turned to face her, and the sinner who had been conversing with him swiftly made his escape, grateful to be free from such an unnerving company. Alastor's eyes swept over her and briefly lingered on Silas before meeting her gaze.
"Well, well, well. Finally back, I see." Alastor quipped, a charismatic grin stretching across his face as he playfully tilted his head. "With your...bundle of joy, as they say."
Charlie held out her arms, holding the baby, a proud look of a new mother lighting up her face. "Do you want to hold him?" She asked, her raring eyes scanning his face.
Alastor raised an eyebrow, his smile still lingering, but he seemed hesitant. "As delightful as it may sound, I don't believe it's necessary," he replied, dismissing her proposition with a nonchalant wave of his hand.
"Oh, come on, Al, he won't bite!" She chuckled, swiftly placing Silas into his arms.
Caught off guard, the Radio Demon emitted a brief static sound, his usually composed demeanor faltering for a moment. He stared down at the tiny demon in his grasp, expecting a bawl, but Silas just fidgeted, sucking on his little fist and drooling, all while calmly staring up at him. Yet, there was something disconcerting in the child's aura.
"He seems to find you fascinating," Charlie, ever the optimist, remarked with delight.
Alastor promptly returned the baby to her. "What a charming little fellow," he said, feigning a thrill.
Caiphus, passing by just in time to witness their interaction, decided to show off his parenting skills to Alastor. He walked up to Charlie, confidently stretching out his arms, silently requesting to hold Silas. Charlie was still slightly wary of him because of what happened, but she didn't want to refuse, believing it was essential for Silas to have a connection with his father, especially since Caiphus rarely visited them at the hospital. His sudden display of interest pleasantly surprised her. Yielding to his request, she gingerly placed her son in Caiphus's embrace. However, as soon as the hellhound took the baby in his arms, the little demon immediately began to well up.
"Hey, stop it, it's me. Your dad." Caiphus tried to calm him down by grimacing and swaying him clumsily but to no avail. As if his words upset the child even more. This was really different from how he imagined his confident demonstration.
Charlie quickly reclaimed the distressed bundle, and the crying ceased as if by magic.
"He doesn't seem to like you very much. Dad." Vaggie, who had joined them at this point, remarked with a hint of mockery in her voice.
Caiphus folded his arms over his chest and frowned. "Momma's boy," he muttered under his breath, a hint of wounded pride slipping through.
"He's just not used to you yet," Charlie smiled apologetically as she gently patted the infant on the back. Out of the corner of her eye, she registered a table of beverages and realized she hadn't had anything to drink since morning and was thirsty. "Excuse me, I'm going to grab something to drink," she announced, making her way towards the table to pour herself a glass of lemonade.

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