Chapter 11: Dancing with demons

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The aroma of eggs and bacon wafted through the air as Charlie, her hair slightly disheveled, entered the Hazbin Hotel's dining area, holding Silas in her arms. She yawned and covered her mouth before almost tripping over Sir Pentious's egg boiz, who were running around the table, chasing after Fat Nuggets.

As she settled into her seat, Vaggie joined her at the table, shooting an annoyed look at Pentious who wasn't paying attention to his minions at all. The inventor was chewing on a piece of toast and reading a document, occasionally muttering to himself. Angel, who looked like he'd been up all night, sat slumped in his chair, spooning cornflakes into his mouth, milk splattering in all directions. Vaggie reached for his cereal box with a sigh and poured herself a full bowl, only to have Silas snatch a handful before she could stop him. Charlie giggled softly and settled the boy in his high chair, offering him a small bowl of baby food. Then, she began her attempts to feed him.

"Now, open wiiiiide," she coaxed the excited child, waving a spoon in front of his face. Silas just giggled and quickly waved his hand, scattering the cornflakes he had stolen across the floor.

Alastor strolled in, twirling his cane with an air of theatricality. His sharp grin widened upon seeing the scene.

"Ah, good morning! What a delightful gathering we have here!" He greeted before pouring coffee into a mug and taking a sip with exaggerated relish. He was more interested in the taste than the need for caffeine.

Niffty darted past him, chasing after a roach. Her plate of scrambled eggs sat forgotten on the table, slowly growing cold.

"Good morning," Charlie replied as she continued her futile attempts to feed Silas, who seemed more interested in playing with his food than actually eating it. "You're not going to join us for breakfast?" She asked as she noticed Alastor striding towards the door again.

"I don't want to see him eating that disgusting crap here," Vaggie remarked, alluding to Alastor's specific eating habits, scooping up another spoonful of cornflakes with a glare.

Alastor simply grinned in response, his hand already on the doorknob. "Well, luckily for you, I have already had my breakfast. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have matters to attend to."

"Wait a minute," Charlie stopped him while trying to wipe the mess off her son's cheeks with a napkin. After which, she let out a startled yelp as Silas, in an unguarded moment, conjured a tiny flame and hurled it at Husk.

The bartender spat out a few expletives, wildly slapping his burning eyebrows.

"I'm so sorry," Charlie muttered with embarrassment. "Ever since he learned how to do it, he won't give it a rest. I'm afraid of what else he has in store."

Alastor chuckled. Vaggie shot him a warning look, signaling that he, as the obvious cause of the problem, should rather not laugh.

Charlie quickly recovered from the interruption and cleared her throat before turning back to Alastor. "Where are you going to?" She wondered about his plans, hoping his answer wouldn't scare her.

Alastor raised an eyebrow in amusement. Nobody at the hotel was usually interested in his activities, at least not in his presence. They knew better than to get in his business.

"I need to do some shopping," he replied, albeit a bit cryptically, to show her he had nothing to hide. "Any particular reason you are so curious about how I spend my time, Charlie?"

The demoness rejoiced, sticking her chest out to look more confident. "I think it would be nice for you to finally spend some time with Silas. You know, a little father-son bonding?" She added with a touch of slight nervousness that found its way to the surface. "And shopping sounds like fun!"

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