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"Manjiro get your ass up we haven't got all day" yells an annoyed Izana standing outside the bedroom door.

Mikey groans, debating on if he should stay in bed all day until he remembers he has an upcoming match to train for. With this in mind Mikey gets up and stretches, popping every joint in his back until he's satisfied.

He heads to the bathroom still half asleep, after brushing his teeth and combing his hair he changes into his gym clothing and decides to head downstairs to greet his siblings.

While Shinichiro and Emma are finishing up breakfast, Mikey tries avoiding Izana but unfortunately makes quick eye contact with the white haired male who is setting plates on the table.

"Manjiro you're 20 years old now, you should be able to get out of bed without one of us waking you up".

Mikey looks at Izana with a smug look on his face "Well I have you all don't I ? So I don't understand why I need to set an alarm when I know one of you will wake me up."

Izana grabs a wet rag and chucks it at Mikey's head which then resulted in the brothers having a wrestling match on the kitchen floor. Izana and Mikey have each other in a mutual headlock both too stubborn to be the first to let go.

The brothers stop feeling a dark presence behind them only to meet the eyes of an angered Emma. Her left eye twitching while her right arm is holding a frying pan.

Emma begins scolding her brothers which immediately causes both males to surrender. They know very well not to mess with an angry Emma weapon in hand. Shinichiro can't help but let a small smile fall on his lips 'they never change' he thinks to himself while setting some food on the table.

There's a knock on the door; Mikey makes his way to answer. Upon opening the door a large smile takes up his face eyes sparkling at who's on the other side. One of Mikey's childhood friends Haruchiyo is on the other side greeting him with an equal amount of enthusiasm. Haru having breakfast with the Sanos is nothing new, he's basically family at this point.

Mikey jumps up and in his pink-haired friends arms while the other is chuckling with red tinted cheeks.

Haru ruffles Mikey's blonde hair, "Why is your hair a mess Mikey, don't tell me you fought with Izana again."

"He started it as usual but can you fix my hair for me I don't feel like doing it myself."

Haru chuckles at the shorter males childish tendencies, "Of course let's go get you fixed up."

Haru briefly greets the other Sanos while making his way to Mikey's room.

Haru grabs a comb and sits on Mikey's bed, "Sit"instructs the pink haired male. Mikey complies and takes a seat between the taller males legs. Haru is humming a soft tune while Mikey leans his head against his knee.

Both males appreciate little moments of bliss like this. A comfortable silence envelopes the room and only the sound of Haru's soft humming can be heard.

"Don't fall asleep on me now before I get Izana to wake you up again"

Mikey groans and glares at the taller male, no malice behind the gaze, "You're lucky I like you or I would've kicked you off the bed."

Haru laughs at the threat knowing damn well Mikey wouldn't hesitate to actually kick someone his bed.

Mikey stands, "c'mon let's go I'm hungry" he leads them to the table where the food has already been served.

Haruchiyo looks down at the food eyes dimmed while hesitant to take off his mask. Even though it's been a long time, Haruchiyo can't help but feel vulnerable without his mask on.

Mikey notices the shift in his mood "Haru I've told you plenty of times you don't have to wear that mask when you're around us" Mikey says with a gentle smile. Haru's eyes seem to soften at this comment as he complies.

Two diamond shaped scars appear at the corner of Haruchiyos lips as a result of a traumatic event he wishes he could forget. These scars being the reason why he ran away at such a young age, leaving his old life behind.

Sanzu looks over at Mikey and instead of seeing disgust he sees nothing but adoration in his eyes. This gives him enough courage to look over at the other Sanos who are smiling gently at him.

Everyone at the table has small talk while enjoying their food. Shinichiro states that he will be closing his shop late and will be back tomorrow morning. Shinichiro who lives with his husband stops by most mornings to make sure things are running smoothly with his siblings.

After everyone finishes their meals, Emma, Haruchiyo and Mikey bid their farewells and start heading to their respective locations.

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