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(Chapter was re-written)

~These next few chapters are the calm before the storm so enjoy~

Kazutora was cleaning some cages when he heard the door chime. He was only expecting to see Baji and Koko but notices that Mikey and Chifuyu decided to tag along. He smiles brightly, eyes turning into crescents and waves them over.

"Aw you all missed me so much you decided to visit me" teases Kazutora fluttering his eyes while holding both hands together.

Baji laughs and bows, "Of course your highness."

"You two are idiots" says Chifuyu but still bows playing into their childish antics, the three males start laughing.

"Boyfriends..." whispers Mikey leaning towards Koko's ear smirking, both of them watching the trio intently. "Oblivious boyfriends at that" agrees Koko.

Kazutora looks over to Mikey and eyes the bag in his hand. "What's that?"

"I brought pastry's for everyone from the cafe" his armed raised waving the bag.

Baji and Kazutora lunge for the bag ripping it open, "Jeez calm down you two, acting more like dogs than the actual animals in here."

"Fuck you Mikey" Baji says while chewing on some food.

Chifuyu scrunches his face in disgust, "Ew don't speak with your mouth full that's just nasty"

Kazutora and Baji share mischievous smiles simultaneously reading each others minds they lower their faces in front of the shorter male and open their mouths, Chifuyu leans away from the pair scowling and smacks them each he begins lecturing them on proper eating habits.

Koko looks at the three amused and decides to mess with them a little, "This is cute and all but can you three stop flirting and show me some customer service."

A now red faced Kazutora turns his attention to Koko forgetting he was there, "didn't mean to make you jealous, I'll show you the meeting space in the back and bring Marshmallow out."

'He didn't deny it I need to ask Baji about this later' notes Mikey.

"Yeah we're definitely changing that shit name" says Koko.

Chifuyu looks up offended, "I chose that name jackass."

"I could tell" says Koko which earned him a smack on the head.

Mikey tags along with Koko to meet the dog leaving Baji and Chifuyu in the front of the store. As the pair are walking towards the room they eye the pet shop, it's bigger than they anticipated, with a variety of animals. The walls being a soft blue color accompanied by a giant mural painted on the wall of different animals. They could only assume it was painted by Chifuyu, with Peke J being drawn in the center. Plants placed on the counter and in the corners of the store giving it a welcoming vibe. Once being led into the room Kazutora gives Koko some time with the dog to get to know her.

He heads back to the front to join his two friends. "Your shift should be over soon right ?" Kazutora nods, "Yes sir I'm actually leaving after Koko is done letting to know Marshmallow."

"I'm clocking in when you leave, Fuyu you're cooking us dinner tonight right ?" Asks Baji knowing the answer already

Chifuyu rolls his eyes, "of course I don't need you two burning the kitchen down." Kazutora is a decent cook but Baji is a different story nonetheless.

Kazutora whips his head towards Chifuyu and responds defensively "That was one time, at least I'm not like this idiot over here who did it on purpose."

Baji rubs his hands together, a crazed look in his eyes "I needed something to feed my arsonist addiction."

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