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Tw: Offensive language, sexist comments, eating disorders, anxiety, PTSD and child abuse

Sanzu parts ways with Emma and Mikey while walking to his School of Performing Arts. He fishes out his headphones out of his right pocket and listens to music. Enjoying his peaceful walk with the sun shinning down on him, pink hair flowing with the light breeze and the smell of flowers that fill his nostrils.

The college now in his pherephial vision pulls him out of his peaceful state and causes Sanzu's thoughts to run wild. He has strong passion for dancing but deals with social anxiety. His breath begins to quicken, hands fiddling with his long sleeves. He texts Inui to see how far he is before heading inside.

Sanzu walks through the doors and heads straight to the dressing room, fingers come across his face to ensure he has his mask on and  he keeps his head down trying not make eye contact with anyone. Upon arriving to the dressing rooms he puts his hair in a ponytail with one strand placed over his face.

Each semester the school focuses on a different form of dance and this semester is Ballet; his personal favorite.

He loves everything about ballet, he loves the fluidity with the dances moves, he loves the elegancy and grace of the dancers, conveying a different story with each performance. After changing he remembers he needs to break in new pointe shoes so he heads to the corner to begin the quick process. While Sanzu is busy cutting out the corner of the shank two figures start approaching him from behind, he feels a hot breath on the back of his neck and sees none other than Ran Haitani standing over him.

'Oh god not right now'.

Sanzu looks up at the figure "Can I help you ?"

"Just wondering if you needed some help princess" says the older male with a wink.

Sanzu scoffs and rolls his eyes. He decides to not play into his bullshit and continue with his shoes.

Sanzu puts his shoes on and stands to continue breaking them in when he feels a hand on his waist. He stiffens and his heart rate picks up. He can feel himself slightly tremble under Rans touch.

"Get the fuck off me" he snarls, he pushes the male away disgust prominent in his eyes. "I don't know who the fuck you think you are Haitani but keep your filthy hands off of me."

Ran raises his eyebrows with amusement laced in his eyes and whispers in Sanzus ear "I like them feisty" before waking off smirking.

Sanzu takes a few deeps breaths to slow his heart rate. His hands clenched with tight fists and nails digging into his palms. 'He's such a disgusting prick, I swear I'm going to beat his ass one of these days'

While following his therapists advice on how to calm his anxiety down he feels another presence behind him, he turns around and sees the younger Haitani.

Rindou looks at Sanzu with apologetic eyes, "I'm sorry about my brother". Sanzu exhales and loosens the grip of his hands before responding, "you've got nothing to apologize for it wasn't your doing."

Rindou smiles and nods, he was about to say something else until Ran calls out for his brother. Rin walks towards his older brother who's been eyeing him like a hawk. Sanzu has taken a liking to the younger Haitani, he's much more bearable than his brother but Sanzu can't help but feel pity. He doesn't know the basis of their relationship he sure as hell knows a manipulative brother when he sees one.

Sanzu was lost in thought until he feels a hand on his shoulder, "I swear to God if you don't leave me the hell alone-" he turns to see Inui standing there with concern laced in his blue eyes and his lips tilted downwards.

Sanzu looks down embarrassed, "S-sorry I thought you were Ran, I was on the verge ripping his head off."

"Ran is bothering you again ? At this point you should get Baji and Mikey to jump him" he jokes.

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