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*beep* *beep* *beep*

'Ugh Chifuyu must've set this goddamn alarm'

Baji awakes from a deep slumber and feels his head against a cold wooden surface. Black long hair sprawled over his face, his neck bent in an awkward position. He raises his head slowly, entire body sore from the awkward sleeping position he was in last night. After waiting a few moments to gather his surroundings and he realizes that he fell asleep on his desk yet again. He notices a blanket around his shoulders and smiles fondly. Either Chifuyu or Kazutora must've came in last night to check on him and placed the blanket on his shoulders.

Baji leans back contemplating on life, 'Do I really need this degree? Is it really worth it? Why can't I just be rich ? Maybe I should just become a strip-' before he can finish that thought his bedroom door swings open.

Chifuyu barges in the room without knocking something Baji really doesn't mind, if he ever needed to be alone he'd just lock the door but it rarely ever happens.

Chifuyu already dressed for the day in a oversized blue long sleeve knit sweater which bring out his bright eyes, thrown over a white long sleeve shirt that can vaguely be seen beneath. Accompanied by pair grey jeans which add a nice contrast to the color followed by a pair of sneakers that match his shirt.

'He looks good as usual.'

"Good you're awake, Tora and I came to check on you last night and it looked like you fell asleep studying again. You need to put your health first Kei, you can't keep doing this to yourself." Concern laced in the younger males ocean green eyes.

"I'm fine Fuyu this is only temporary and once I get this goddamn degree I can catch up on all of my sleep." Baji winks while grinning, his signature canines glistening with the morning sun.

Another figure makes its way through the door holding two mugs of coffee. "Well it'll be hard for you to catch up on sleep if you're found dead by fatigue."

Tora is wearing a black turtle neck, his tiger tattoo can be seen peaking on his neck from under his shirt, followed by a pair of black sweatpants and black shoes to bring the outfit together. The black color makes not only makes his golden irises stand out but the blonde highlights in his hair aswell. 'Why the hell are they both so attractive'

Baji shakes his head to clear his thoughts.

Tora hands both Chifuyu and Baji a mug of coffee knowing Chifuyu usually drinks his black and Baji needs a decent amount of sugar and milk.

Baji leans back in his chair eyes closed, "I have a shift today so I needed to get these assignments done."

Kazutora huffs, "You know I wouldn't mind covering a shift for you, we're your best friends for a reason"

Baji looks at his friends gratefully, "I appreciate it but no, we all need to pull our weight in order to get these bills paid. You guys worry too much I'll be fine."

~Time skip~

Baji and Chifuyu arrive to their University while Kazutora left for his shift at the pet shop.

Baji settled with wearing a beige sweater with a black and grey striped and slightly torn shirt, followed by black ripped jeans and his black boots. He's also wearing his signature cross necklace with a matching bracelet he rarely ever takes off. Both being gifts from his mother which he holds dearly to his heart.

Baji looks around the campus trying to find a head of black hair who is usually accompanied by a pretty blonde. Out of the corner of his eye he notices Koko sitting on a bench looking at his phone with Inui laying his head on his lap.

'Oh this should be fun' Baji begins to creep behind the black haired male, making sure he doesn't make a sound to startle the oblivious male. Once he's close enough he yells in his ear.

"KOKOOOO" the black haired male jumped up abruptly making Inui fall off the bench.

Chifuyu covers his mouth suppressing his urge laugh, trying to play it off as a cough while Baji was practically rolling around on the ground with tears in his eyes.

Inupi stood up glaring at both males, "You two are dickheads" he says with no malice in his voice.

All four males start laughing and walk on campus. Inui and Chifuyu are engrossed in a conversation with Koko and Baji trailing behind them.

Koko turns to Baji with a hushed voice "So I've already set most things for Seishu's birthday party and It's taking place in two weeks. I have a favor to ask though"

"What's up?" Baji asks with an eyebrow raised.

"Recently he's has been mentioning on how he wants a dog, a Bichon Frise to be exact do you have any at the pet shop you work at?"

Baji thinks for a moment, "Actually yeah we do, I can text Tora and he can set up a meeting for you after class if you want to meet the dog today."

"That'll be perfect ! Shu usually gets a drink with Sanzu after their classes at the academy so we'll go then. I'll meet you by the gates after class."

Inupi stops to look at his phone and turns around, "Sanzu just texted me saying he's on his way to the academy, I need to get going." He leans over to give Koko a kiss, with an obnoxious Baji making gagging noises in the background.

"Get a room."

Inui chuckles and flips him off. "It's not my fault you have no game with your single ass."

Baji glares at the shorter male, "I've got game you asshole."

"Then why are you still single ?"

Baji huffs and looks at Chifuyu quickly before looking away, "That's none of your damn business."

An oblivious Chifuyu scrunches his eyebrows together confused on why Baji looked at him so quickly before turning his attention back to Inui.

Koko just sighs while shaking his head, part of him just wants to get these two oblivious shitheads plus their third 'best friend' together already but he respects Baji enough to not pry into his love life.

The three males bid their farewells to Inui before making their way to their classes.

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