Chapter Six

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Rose's POV

The next day, I woke up lying on Crystal with Toothless' tail wrapped around me. I stayed there for a minute wondering how I'm going to get the other dragons out and how the dragons on the island are doing. I was pulled out of my thoughts when Toothless moved and smacked me in the face with his wing.

"Hey, watch where you put that thing." I said to Toothless.

He grumbled, mimicking me before walking off somewhere. I shock my head while giggling a bit; still leaning up against Crystal. I watched as Toothless tried to catch some fish, even though I had caught some last night I let him carry on while Crystal, who is now awake, and I eat some fish. After about a minute I said...

"You know I have fish right." I said to him holding up a fish to show him.

He looked at me annoyed before coming over and taking the fish from me and a few more, before lying down.

"Oh. Don't be to grumpy, it's just a little pay back for whacking me in the face." I said as he still glared at me while eating his fish.

I felt Crystal dragon chuckle as I was leaning on her stomach and that made Toothless look at her and blow smock into her face.

"Oh. Now you done it." I said before taking my back off of Crystal as she tackled Toothless to the floor. "See what you've done Toothless?" I said as if they'd pay me any mind while they were play fighting just like siblings.

I found myself a rock to lean on as I kept eating my cooked fish watching them fight, trying to figure out who's going to win (even though it's going to be Crystal as she always wins). After a few minutes i found out I was right as Crystal had sat on Toothless' belly and couldn't get up.

"OK. Crystal, I think that's enough torture for Toothless. He has hopefully learnt his leason." I said making Crystal happily get of Toothless and towards me as Toothless continued to lay their.

Crystal came and sat next to me and we both watched as Toothless did nothing. I sighed and got up from my sitting position before going over to him. I lied on his stomach making him look up at me the best he could.

"You know if you go and get some wood I'll give you an extra fish. But don't tell her." He got up excitedly after I had whispered that but when he got up i fell on my backside and watched as he scrambled around, frantically on the search for wood.

After a few minutes he came back with a mouth fall of wood with a gummy smile. He put the wood down and sat on his bottom. I laughed shaking my head and handed him a fish.

"Thanks bud. Your the best." I said as he was eating peacefully.

I picked up the wood and sat by the lake. I plan to try and build a bow and arrow as mine was lost when we crash landed. An hour or so later and I have finally finished. I stand up and do a stretch before heading over to the upside down dragons.

"Toothless do you want to try and get out again?" I asked him.

He looked at me before gumberling and getting down from the tree.

"Alright. Crystal I'm going to need you to keep watch again girl." I said making her fly off somewhere around the area.

We spent a while doing this and we were about to give up when I saw a human boy staring at us on one of the cliff edges.

"Don't look now but there's a human boy looking at us." I whispered to Toothless.

Of course that was a bad idea because he started growling.

"Hey, stop it, he's going to know that he's been caught and probably go get other vikings. How about you scare him by going up the cliff in front off him."

Toothless smiled with no teeth before doing as I said and scaring the boy.

"Good boy. Hopefully that would scare him off. Let's take a break, OK?"

I didn't wait for a response before I whistled for Crystal to come back. She flew up above the trees before coming down and landing next to me. Toothless was going to lie down somewhere when we heard what sounded to be a pebble falling down. We all looked up to see the boy still on the cliffs side staring down at us. Before he walks away. I look at the dragons confused but they just ignore him and get ready for bed when they start lying down. I go over to the lake and catch about 21 more fish. I give 10 to Toothless and 10 to Crystal and have one to myself. I use some extra wood thst was left from when I made my bow and arrow and build a fire with it and cook my fish until I eat it. After me and the dragons end up falling asleep listening to the birds chirping.

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