Chapter 7

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Hermione ran as fast as she could from the bathroom, forgetting all about how desperately she had needed to pee. She was distraught from what she had witnessed. Even more so from the way he had looked her dead in the eye before... oh god.

All she had gotten from Harry was that Tom Riddle hadn't been the dating kind of man. No dalliances whatsoever. No intrigue for the opposite sex. Tom Riddle was a studious man, of great character during school who was very loved by everyone, and who was secretly devoted to the dark arts.

They couldn't have been more wrong. That hadn't looked like it was the first time he had gotten his dick sucked dry. Moreover, he looked far too smug about her walking in on them. And who the fuck did that sort of thing in a school bathroom? It was like they were begging to get caught. If she had been a prefect she sure as hell wouldn't of let that slide.

Hermione groaned as she remembered she had stayed for the whole thing. Why couldn't she move? Had he gotten some kind of spell over her, making it impossible to? It was like her whole body had just frozen, like she couldn't move even a centimetre.

She stopped in the corridor, gliding down against the wall until she sat staring up against the ceiling.

There was just so much about this event that made no sense whatsoever. Tom Riddle was a moaner for starters. And oh, that moan...

He had known she was watching, he had enjoyed it even, from what she could gather. That smile he shot her before he grabbed hold of the girl's head and started fucking it like there was no tomorrow was a safe indicator for that.

She just couldn't stop thinking about the look on his face when he came inside that poor girl's mouth... It had been...

One of the most erotic things she had ever seen before.

And she hated herself for the wetness that was currently splayed inside her underwear.

Hermione had never been one for rough sex. Her first time with Krum had been rather romantic, and he had made sure she was comfortable. It had been sweet, even. Needless to say, she was glad it had been Viktor who took her virginity.

Then there had been McLaggen, and that had just been a disaster. She had done it purely to get Ron jealous, and that hadn't even worked. Essentially, it had simply been a bad fuck for nothing. He hadn't known where to touch her, and had cum in about three seconds. An utter disaster.

And then there was Ron. She hadn't gotten the chance with Ron before...

Hermione shuddered as kind, blue eyes popped up inside her brain, before turning into lifeless ones. She shook her head free of the gloomy thoughts. There was no need to sit here in a vacant corridor crying over her past life.

As she made her way into the common room, she quickly spotted both of the Malfoys seated in front of the fireplace. Practically sprinting, she made her way towards them.

"Are you okay, Granger?" Malfoy asked as Abraxas gave her a small smile in greeting.

"Oh, sure. Yes. Fine," she gushed and nodded furiously.

Malfoy narrowed his eyes and opened his mouth, but before he could say anything, Riddle came into view at the end of the couch. It was like his presence demanded attention. She felt a ripple of nervousness shoot through her as she met his gaze. Her skin turned furiously red as he winked at her and smirked.

Oh, he loved this. The imbecile.

A small groan left her as she shot right up from where she was seated.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Malfoy frowned.

"Yes. I am perfectly fine. Now. If you'll excuse me," Hermione said in a shrill voice before darting away towards the dormitories.

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