Chapter 15

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Her room at the Leaky Cauldron was fairly spacious. There was a queen size bed in the middle, a smaller bureau at the far left corner, a dressing table in front of the bed as well as a (very small) walk in closet. It was perfect for her summer.

She spent July walking around Diagon Alley slightly transfigured so no one would recognize her. One day she'd be blonde, another ginger and so on and so forth.

Hermione knew that Tom would be searching for her since she just disappeared on their last day. She knew he'd be quite peeved about it. Care, however, she did not. He could search all he wanted, she didn't want to be found.

So, she simply aimlessly wandered around during the summer, as well as reading pointless letters that kept coming. None of them got any response, but that didn't make them stop writing to her.

July 1st


I'm sorry.

You've been ignoring my every attempt to say this, and so I had to at least write it in hopes that you'd read it.

Truthfully, I believe I was put under the imperius curse, and I know you do not wish to believe me. But I would never, ever, do anything to hurt you.

I am deeply concerned over how much time you've spent in Riddle's company during the last months, are you okay? Has he threatened you?

Please know that I care for you deeply and are always going to be here for you.



July 5th


Where did you go? You just disappeared. Truthfully I was a bit worried when you didn't show on our last evening together.

I'll admit to having thought I would be hearing from you right away, but am still without any owls from you.

I will be expecting your owl throughout the summer. Where are you staying? I'm currently at Abraxas', but I'm sure you wouldn't want to come visit me here.

Do let me know where you can meet.


Tom Riddle

Included in the envelope was a set of flowers that magically got larger when she opened the letter, and she instinctively knew Tom wouldn't just send her flowers. Moreover, it was not a bouquet; it was a weird composition of flowers.

That same day, she went to Flourish and Blotts and bought herself a flower language dictionary. It didn't take her long to realise he had sent her three different words with the flowers.

Tom had included a daisy, a dwarf sunflower and a snowdrop. According to her dictionary it translated to beauty, adoration and hope.

She couldn't help but to admire his wits. Even she had to admit his gesture to be somewhat charming, the flowers he had included were all of a pretty message.

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