Chapter 17

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Tom was ecstatic. It truly was amazing how things seemed to work out in his favour every single time.

It's not like Tom planned on Draco stumbling upon them. In the same corridor Tom just happened to know Draco wandered at night. In the same classroom Tom just happened to know Draco practised spells in. It was all just luck, of course.

Everything came together perfectly, and Hermione hadn't even thrown a fit about the whole ordeal. It was comforting to know she preferred Tom's company over Draco's.

It had to be done. The two needed to understand their dalliances weren't appreciated. Nor where they wanted, in any case. Hermione wouldn't have given in to Tom's advances if she hadn't been done with her affection towards Draco. That much was certain.

He held his breath for about a week, but when Hermione never berated him, Tom realised he was in the clear. She didn't blame him for what had happened, even if she ought to. After that week, Tom continued to woo Hermione with everything in his might. He was convinced she'd grow to love him with the same force she had once loved Draco.

Things between the two Heads grew into more of a routine, and they spent most of their time together either in their shared common room or in the library. Tom had noticed that whenever he wasn't present, Hermione chose to spend her time with Theodore Nott. Tom hadn't seen anything conspicuous between the pair, as of yet, but he did keep his eye on them both. It wasn't that he didn't trust Hermione, but it was better to be safe than sorry.

Tom felt almost fond of Hermione. In all honesty, he adored her. It was a strange feeling, one he had never experienced before with another human being. Snakes he knew he could love, knew he could care for. But humans had never appealed to him before.

There had been something about Hermione since the beginning, something that lured him in. He ought to feel embarrassed over the amount of affection he held for the witch, ought to feel mad that she took over so much of his thought process.

Instead, he only experienced happiness whenever she was around, even though they didn't engage in any more sexual activities after their night in the abandoned classroom. Tom found that it didn't bother him quite as much as it had before. Because now he knew it was because she was berating herself about hurting Draco's feelings, and that had nothing to do with her affection towards Tom.

Hermione was still very affectionate towards Tom, making him quite secure in her feelings about him. He found that it was nice to have a woman around, someone who embraced him each morning and evening, someone who'd scratch his arm in front of the fireplace or scatter small kisses over his neck every once in a while.

True, he hadn't been quite as focused on his initial goals, and that was something that needed to change. He needed to get the tattoo ready, and he needed to gain more followers for the cause.

However, he also realised that a new relationship needed time and affection. And with someone as flakey as Hermione, he clearly needed to put in the effort to show her just what she would leave behind if she ever dared to refuse him again.

Tom wasn't all that worried though. Hermione had learned the hard way after all.

The object of his thoughts stepped out of the bathroom, freshly showered, her hair hanging damp over her shoulders. She was only in her towel, putting her beautiful legs on display. Tom smiled to himself as he relished in the way she had grown carefree around him.

Hermione hummed a tune under her breath as she used her fingers trying to detangle the mess that was her hair.

"Come here, love," Tom said softly, ushering her towards him.

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