Chapter 18

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When Hermione came to, she distantly thought she died and went to heaven. Only briefly was she disappointed to realise she was still on earth. Everything was so white, and she struggled as the light tried to force its way into her eyes.

The sheets under her body were prickly as she carefully moved her fingers around the fabric. It felt cool to the touch, and she wondered where she was. The atmosphere seemed almost antiseptic and small whiffs of something clean-smelling hit her nose.

Was she in a hospital?

Hermione tried to move her hands a bit more, but it felt like her brain wouldn't send out the right impulses to do so. Everything felt slow, almost like she was drowsy. Or like she had been drugged.

A pounding headache greeted her as she tried to open her eyes. It felt like she had run straight into a brick wall, face first. And probably cracked open a few ribs alongside her jaw from the feeling of it.

Hermione let out a small groan, fingers twisting without her being able to control the motion.

"Oh, Miss Granger. Take this, honey. It'll make it better," came a sweet voice from her left.

Hermione said nothing as she obediently downed the liquid that touched her lips. She had a distant feeling of someone being close by and it comforted her. She must have fallen back asleep soon after that, because the next time she woke, she heard voices nearby.

"What are you doing here?" One of them hissed angrily.

Tom, she thought.

"I needed to see her," the other voice said lowly.

Was it...? Could it really be Draco? Hermione stirred a bit in her bed.

"Yes, well, she's my girlfriend, not yours. You ought to leave," Tom said threateningly.

"Is she... are they sending her to St. Mungo's?" Draco asked hesitantly.

"Not that you have any business knowing that anymore, but no. I made sure Walburga told me what she cursed Hermione with."

Walburga's sneering face appeared behind Hermione's eyelids and she almost flinched.

"That disgusting piece of-..." Draco spluttered before Tom interrupted him.

"You needn't worry, Malfoy. I made sure Walburga was to be expelled."

The explanation clearly didn't appease Draco as Tom soon sighed.

"She'll be alright. You should leave before she wakes up, you wouldn't want to upset her more, would you?"

She didn't hear Draco's response and figured he must have walked away. Her stomach twisted a bit. Hermione waited a minute or two before stirring in her bed, comforted with knowing they were alone.

"T-Tom?" Hermione mumbled when she was sure no one else was around.

"I'm here sweetling," Tom responded hastily, instantly taking her hand in his and giving it a reassuring squeeze.

Hermione opened her eyes slowly, careful not to look directly into the light that shone above them. She grimaced as she tried to sit up, quickly getting the help of Tom to do so. He gingerly guided her to a sitting position, carefully stroking her hair out of her face.

"How are you feeling?" He asked hesitantly.

"Like shit," she said, her voice hoarser than she'd ever heard it before.

Hermione grimaced as she put a hand on her throat. Tom quickly produced a cup of water and extended it to her. She nodded her thanks, not feeling up to using her voice more than necessary.

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