Chapter 10

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Tom was pleased with the current change of things. Having Hermione Granger under him, mouth on his cock, had been something he had daydreamed about far too often; so it was nice to finally have it over with.

But where he had imagined himself fulfilling his fantasy, and thus being done with it, an even stronger obsession took its place. He craved her like he hadn't craved anyone before.

He had enjoyed her more than usual, and it sure wasn't her cock sucking skills.


Her tears had been even sweeter to see than anyone else's. Her whimpers as his cock went further down her throat had been the most enthralling sound he'd ever heard. But best had been the way she had sensed he won.

He loved winning. He loved being in control. And now he finally held some over her.

He had initially meant to meet up with Walburga in a bathroom, but he felt so satisfied with the evening's adventures that he simply stood her up. It wasn't like it would make her not meet him in the future.

But it wasn't just that.

It just felt... wrong... to meet up with anyone else after what had transpired, and that was something he never had any qualms about in the past. He'd happily fuck a girl and then get his cock sucked clean an hour later by another little bitch.

Somehow he couldn't imagine taking another girl than Granger after this. He imagined it was because he'd have to take her fully before he could get her out of his head.

And he would. He knew he would.

Smiling to himself, he entered the common room and sat down next to Draco and Abraxas by the fire.

A rush of wind went past them as the retreating form of Hermione rushed past, visible tears on her cheeks.

Draco eyed him distrustingly, Tom simply cocked an eyebrow. How dare he question him?

"Something to say, Draco?" he asked menacingly.

"No," he answered quickly before glancing over to the girl's dormitory door, giving away his train of thoughts perfectly clear.

"Thought so," Tom drawled and narrowed his eyes, making the boy in front of him squirm in his seat.

It was obvious Draco wanted to check on the girl, but she wasn't his to check on. Tom wouldn't stand for their so-called friendship any more. Draco needed to learn who was in charge.

Abraxas, sensing the mood, quickly left to clear the common room out. Draco watched his retreating form with betrayal in his eyes. Silly little idiot.

"I fear you have an attitude problem, Draco," Tom mused as he flung his right ankle over the left knee, sinking down into the sofa.

"I-... I do not," Draco muttered.

"I do not, My Lord," Tom said slowly.

"I do not, My Lord," Draco mumbled.

"I'm sorry, what was that?"

Tom cocked his head to the side, enjoying watching him squirm even more.

"I do not have an attitude problem, My Lord. I'm sorry if I've made you have that impression. I'll do better," Draco said a smidge louder.

Tom smiled, showing his canines. A quick glance around them made him sure they were alone. He flicked his wand two times, placing a ward so strong no one could enter the common room and silencing it.

Draco was shaking in front of him, clearly anticipating where this was going.

"Crucio," he whispered as he pointed his wand towards the boy in front of him.

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