Chapter 13

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See the end for Trigger Warnings!


Things grew a bit frosty between Aurora and Hermione after it became known that Draco had chosen Hermione as his date for Valentine's Day. It had been quite an uncomfortable discussion between both girls the following day, leaving Kathleen standing in the middle as the holder of peace, not that she was doing much more than stand in between them.

"When did this even begin? You told us at Slughorn's Christmas party there was nothing going on between you two! Did you lie?" Aurora asked heatedly, redness colouring her face as her anger grew.

"No! Of course I didn't lie! I don't even know when it began, it just... grew. We were friends before anything!" Hermione answered, reciprocating the same heat.

Aurora scoffed.

"You're not really reliable right now, so I'm going to assume that's another lie."

"Come on, Aurora. I can't help my feelings any more than he can," Hermione pleaded.

"You can't even marry him! You're a half-blood, and he's a pureblood! Surely you understand that you're not good enough for him!" Aurora shouted, her eyes almost bulging out of their sockets.

Hermione stiffened. She couldn't quite believe the sweet and caring Aurora said those hurtful things to her. But then again, she was raised in a pureblood society. Maybe it wasn't as shocking as she thought.

It was when their conversation had gotten this heated that Kathleen finally interrupted the two girls.

"What Aurora meant to say is that maybe Riddle would be a better choice, 'mione? He's half-blood too, and very handsome. Not to discredit his intelligence as we all know he's quite brilliant. Hasn't he been showing you a lot of attention? We just don't want you to get your hopes up and then get heartbroken when Draco won't be allowed to marry you," she said in a strong voice.

"Did he pay you to say that?" Hermione chuckled darkly. "I don't give a shit about Tom Riddle, and I'd rather die than get involved with him romantically."

"Of course he didn't pay me," Kathleen frowned.

"Well then, just choose anyone else but Draco," Aurora said coldly. "I already claimed dibs on him from the get-go, and you knew it. I'm really questioning our friendship now, Hermione. I'm so disappointed in you."

Hermione couldn't help but flinch. But Aurora just kept going.

After a good thirty minutes about breaking girl code and what a rotten person she was, Hermione excused herself as she simply could not deal with the bullshit anymore.

Sure, she hadn't exactly told them that she was interested in Draco. But then again, not even she had known for quite some time. Surely they were blowing this way out of proportion? Aurora and Draco had barely even talked, let alone kissed. And frankly, she was probably only interested in Draco because of that big bank account that came with him. And Hermione... Well, she didn't quite know why she was interested in Draco, but it sure as hell wasn't for his money. And how dare they think that she'd ever be interested in Riddle?

Stomping towards the library, she chose a secluded corner and hoped no one would dare to disturb her. Picking out a fictional book for once, she crawled up in the plush, yellow sofa by a window and began to read. It was comforting to dive into a world entirely made up, thus escaping her own miserable reality.

An hour later she felt a prickling sensation at the back of her neck. Glancing up, she immediately noticed Dolohov standing partly behind the shelves and feigning interest in a book.

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