Chapter 14

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The day after the Ravenclaw party Headmaster Dippet called for a mandatory attendance at dinner. But when the whole school got there, dinner proceeded with nothing out of the ordinary happening.

It wasn't until after the dessert had been served that Dippet rose from his chair. He looked more troubled than Hermione had ever seen him. It was like his wrinkles were etched into his face by more than just age. He cleared his throat and gained the attention from everyone in school. Everyone but Riddle.

He was staring at her intently, like he wished to convey something with his eyes. Like he wanted to tell her something really badly. Hermione frowned at him before averting her eyes to the Headmaster again. She was sick of Riddle's games, couldn't he just leave her alone?

The hall fell quiet as Dippet began to speak.

"It is with my deepest sorrow that I have to let you know that David Andersen has been found dead in the Forbidden Forest."

A collective gasp travelled around the hall, and a few sobs could be heard from the Ravenclaw table.

"He is believed to have been mauled by some animal," Dippet continued without consideration for the grieving Ravenclaws. "This is of course very upsetting news, and mind healers from St. Mungo's will be available for anyone in need. A funeral will be held a week from now."

Hermione had a hard time comprehending what had just transpired.

David Andersen, the seventh year Ravenclaw that she had been snogging only yesterday, was dead. He was killed by an animal in the Forbidden Forest, but she specifically saw him reenter the common room when she left the party. It just didn't make any sense.

And then everything clicked.

Horrified, she locked eyes with Tom once more. He was smiling viciously.

She emitted a small wail, putting a horrified hand over her mouth as she felt tears prick her eyes. And still, she couldn't look away. He looked so incredibly smug about the whole situation, it was making her sick.

Without thinking, she shot up from her place at the tables and ran off towards the dungeons. It was a good thing the whole castle was in such a ruckus upon hearing the news, it made her practically invisible as she fled the Great Hall.

Just as she had reached the common room, she was roughly pulled back by her arm.

"Come now, pet. Don't look so horrified," Tom cooed as he pushed her towards him.

"H-how c-could you?" she stuttered, trying very hard not to cry in front of him, as he would only see it as weakness.

His hands hardened their grip on her.

"Don't for a second try to pin this on me, dearest. I warned you what would happen if anyone laid so much as a finger on you, did I not?" he asked coldly.

When she didn't answer, he put a finger under her chin and forced her eye contact.

"And Davy did much more than that, didn't he?"

A shudder went through her, it felt like her whole body had been dipped in ice. She shook her head, defeated. This wasn't her fault, was it? He was just trying to manipulate her into believing so.

But then, why did it feel like he was right?

His grip on her chin tightened to borderline bruising as he leaned down so close she feared he might try to kiss her.

"In fact, I believe he even had those filthy fingers inside you," he hissed venomously. "Surely you understood I wouldn't let something like that slide."

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