Chapter 12

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Draco had to admit himself being nervous around the other Malfoys for the first few days, but it quickly dawned on him that they all seemed to really want him there. As the fourth day came and went, he had fully started to relax in their presence. Hermione, however, he could sense was very much tense in their company still.

Draco figured he'd unwind her a bit, and so naturally he thought he'd teach her how to fly. He truly only understood what a terrible idea that was as she stood there, green in the face, while watching him mount the broom.

"You've truly never flown before?" he asked, dumbstruck by this information.

"Oh, I had to in first year, didn't I? And I rode a thestral in fifth year to get to the Ministry, but never by choice, no," she rambled, looking worse by the second.

Draco couldn't hold back a chuckle, and he relished the fire in her eyes as she scowled at him. She truly was sexy when she was angry.

"Why don't you share my broom then? I promise to not let you fall," he said cockily as he wiggled his eyebrows at her.

Hermione scoffed but took a hesitant step towards him. Draco stepped down on the grass and helped her get properly seated on the broom before mounting it behind her. He lifted the broom up slowly, but she still shrieked as soon as they left the ground.

"I- I don't l-like this. P-put me down. This i-instant!" she stammered as her whole body quivered with fear.

Draco chuckled and simply rose higher, properly getting them up in the sky. Hermione let out a piercing scream, but was abruptly cut off as soon as he put one of his hands on her hip. He traced circles on her hip bone, imagining it would calm her down. All it did, however, was make her breathe faster and give him a boner.

Her arse was pressing into him, and he begged Salazar himself for her not to feel his hardness press into her lower back. Even so, he couldn't help but to move his fingers under her shirt and caress her stomach as well.

Hermione was still trembling as they flew slowly over the grounds, but something told him she wasn't all that scared anymore.

"See? All you needed to do was trust me," he whispered in her ear.

He could sense her shiver as it travelled down her spine.

They flew silently for a few more minutes, and he could feel her relax against him with each passing second.

"We should fly more often. I do enjoy having you pressed against me like this," he cooed in her ear.

"Please," she scoffed. "All you enjoy is having me depend on you for once."

"Also true," he chuckled and gave her waist a squeeze, making her jump a bit. "But there's something about having your ass pressed so tightly against my groin that makes me feel so... stiff."

She snorted and shook her head, emitting a small giggle. Draco smiled, pleased to have made her laugh.

The last day of their stay, Abraxas' parents called him into Mr. Malfoy's office. Draco felt somewhat anxious, but was confident that he hadn't done anything wrong. Moreover, they both had expressed several times how pleased they were with him.

"Draco, dear. Come, sit," smiled Mrs. Malfoy, and gestured to the chair beside her.

He sat down with a smile and a small thank you, before placing his attention to Mr. Malfoy, who was clearly in charge.

"Well, boy. We're pleased to let you know the adoption has been approved. You're officially under our care," he boomed out with a pleased smile.

"That's amazing news. Thank you, sir, for taking me in," Draco responded politely.

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