𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘰𝘯𝘦

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The sun was up and shining brightly down on the many citizens of the large and well known kingdom of Kings Landing

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The sun was up and shining brightly down on the many citizens of the large and well known kingdom of Kings Landing. The streets were crowded with many civilians all around, the markets being full and crowded like they were every single day while they did the things they did everyday in their daily lives. The occasional wind blew by, causing the ocean waves to crash against the rocks as the chirps of birds could be heard all around, adding to the many sounds coming from the many people around in the kingdom and the other sounds of nature, the insects and animals flying and hopping around as they avoided the much larger and human beings near them.

The large and old-looking castle stood tall and proud like it had been doing for the many years, ever since it had been built. Inside Red Keep, attendants and guards could be seen all around, including the royal family as they did their own things. The guards kept a sharp eye around in case of any trespassers that planned to injure anyone of the royal family while the servants walked around the hallways, doing the chores that they were assigned to do for their day of work, their chattering voices being heard around.

The Dragonpit was dark as some guards stood inside with the children, the echoing sound of chains being heard from in front of them. The two eldest son of Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen and Ser Laenor Velaryon, Jacaerys Velaryon, exchanged a glance with the girl beside him, the youngest child of the king and queen, Princess Y/n Targaryen. As they looked at one another, he couldn't help but admire her white hair that had been put into a braid while her violet eyes stared at him.

The two sons of the king and queen, Prince Aegon II Targaryen and Prince Aemond Targaryen, looked at one another with slight weird expressions when they noticed their nephew admiring their sister. Meanwhile, on the very end right beside Aegon, the middle child of the princess, Lucerys Velaryon, and the youngest of the group in the Dragonpit, didn't seem to notice any of this as he watched the dragon climb up, the chains wrapped around the creature.

The two men on the side of the dragon held the chains tightly as the occasional squeaky roars could be heard from the dragon before they let go of the chains when they were told to do so, standing by in case of anything. Jacaerys stepped forward when the trainer had moved him to do so, his brown eyes looking behind him at Y/n, who gave him a reassuring smile.

The sound of Aegon yawning could be heard, but no one paid any mind to that. The brown haired prince stepped forward a bit more but making sure to stay close to the others as he watched his dragon, Vermax, make it's way over, the sounds still escaping the creature. No one seemed to be scared at the sight of the dragon that was loose and free, neither of them saying anything as Jacaerys stood in his place while waiting for the dragon to get closer, his hands playing with the bottom of his long sleeve blue shirt nervously, hoping to impress the girl right behind him.

"Call Vermax to heel, Prince Jacaerys." One of the trainers instruct.

"Dohaeris!" Jacaerys calls out in High Valyrian.

Vermax stops in his tracks, standing tall while he and Jacaerys stare at one another before the creature was letting out a slight roaring sound, stepping forward that had the prince stepping back while he demanded the dragon to halt, to which Vermax does so. Someone then walked into the Dragonpit with a goat tied around with a rope, the sound coming from the animal catching the dragon's attention.

When the goat was tied to a pole, Vermax was making his way towards the animal, only to be stopped when two workers placed their stick-like weapons in front of him. One of the trainers had been quick to tell them that they must learn to hold mastery over their dragon when Vermax hadn't listened to Jacaerys, then when they were fully bounded to their owner, they wouldn't take instructions from anyone else except for them.

"Can I say it?" Jacaerys questions, receiving a nod while he looks to the others excitedly before stepping forward. "Dracarys, Vermax!"

Moving their stick-like weapons out of the way, the workers step back as Vermax walks forward and closer to the goat, standing up tall before it was blowing out fire towards the animal, burning it alive.

The sound of the goat's screech could be heard before the dragon came to a stop, the animal now laying lifeless before the creature had stopped in front of the burnt goat and began eating at it. One of the trainers pats Jacaerys shoulder before they were walking off and toward the dragon, leaving the children to walk towards the end of the darkness of the Dragonpit.

"Aemond, we have a surprise for you." Aegon informs his brother, making Jacaerys and Y/n share a mischievous glance.

Aemond furrows his brows. "What is it?"

"Something very special." Lucerys replies excitedly, running forward with the others following behind in a walking pace.

"You're the only one of us without a dragon." Aegon reminds, getting a nod. "And we felt badly about it, so we found one for you."

Aemond raises a brow. "A dragon? How?"

Aegon shrugs. "The gods provide."

Even if he held a slight blank expression, the young prince felt hope fill him that they had actually found him a dragon, even if it were very unlikely that they did find him one. Loud snorts echoed from within the darkness, followed by Lucerys pants as he ran up the ramp, holding a rope in his small hands. Aemond's shoulders drop at the sight of a chubby and very pink-looking pig running up beside his young nephew, rolling his eyes a bit at the makeshift wings the others had made out of hay and tied to the animal.

"Behold--" Aegon starts.

"The Pink Dread!" They all exclaim, their laughter following behind.

"Be sure to mount her carefully. First flight's always rough." Aegon states.

With that, he lets out a loud pig snort in his little brother's ear, making the other three laugh before they did the same, laughing as they walked off. Giggling mischievously, Y/n grabbed Jacaerys hand as they caught up with Aegon, leaving Aemond to stand by himself and stare at the pig with disbelief in his eyes, a frown very evident on his face, wishing he had expected that they were gonna joke with him about having gotten him a dragon, even when it wasn't very likely for that to happen.

As they ventured outside, Y/n and Jacaerys were still holding hands as they continued laughing, their words to each other hardly being heard between their laughter. Aegon rose a brow as he glanced down at their conjoined hands, glancing down at Lucerys. The to exchange a glance with one another, a smirk growing on the older prince's face as he glances at his nephew and his little sister.

Lucerys seemed to understand what he was getting at, knowing that they were about to tease the two. It was clear to quite a few people that Prince Jacaerys and Princess Y/n were very fond of one another. Smiling brightly, showing his baby teeth, Lucerys little hand grabs onto Y/n's slightly bigger one while Aegon wraps an arm around Jacaerys, causing the two to release their hands from one another just as Aegon began teasing, followed by Lucerys doing the same as he hopped up and down beside his aunt.

Y/n rolled her eyes, taking a glance at Jacaerys to see he had done the same and when they made eye contact, they both quickly looked away as the princess soon let Lucerys pull her away from Aegon and Jacaerys.

𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐋𝐃𝐇𝐎𝐎𝐃 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄, 𝗃𝖺𝖼𝖺𝖾𝗋𝗒𝗌 𝗏𝖾𝗅𝖺𝗋𝗒𝗈𝗇Where stories live. Discover now