You Still Don't Like Me?

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"You still don't like me romantically?"


"Are you sure?"


He is a perfectionist while I'm just like any other person. He likes things clean and simple while I don't.
I just like things to be the way I want them to be.

But I changed myself once I started working with my friend. He is Jeon Jungkook, who is my neighbour since 5 years now.

We started this clothing brand "97's" together and have our own company already.

When talking he pays attention to the way his mouth moves. He talks "expensive" and I just talk... like just talk.

When he walks he likes to always put one leg in front the other. Just like models. Me on the other hand I just walk...

When he eats... ugh! In short he pays attention to all the things he does, while I don't.

But I changed myself like I mentioned. Why? Because I like him.

When we drive to our apartments together, he makes sure to tell me to not skip my meals and eat healthy food, especially when it is already late.

When I'm sick he cooks for me.

When I'm on my period he even buys me sanitary pads.

That's when I knew he's the right one. He isn't ashamed to buy me normal things, unlike the 2 boyfriends I once had.

If I mention all the things he does for me, I won't finish until tomorrow. But he is
p e r f e c t.

Last year I asked him if he likes me. He said "no" without paying any more attention to me.

I asked him the same question 4 months ago. His answer was still "no". But when I asked him if he's sure he stopped replying to me.

That's the moment I knew that I'm doing a great job and he's starting to like me too.

I was right.

Yesterday was out 6th year anniversary of knowing each other. I didn't ask him if he likes me this time. He did.

A rose, some romantic words and love music.
That's how we got together.

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