My Hero {pt. 2}

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Being the wife of a mafia is and will always be a hard task.

Worrying about your husband when he isn't home, worrying about your kids when they're at school, worrying about your own life when you're alone outside and blah blah blah.

There are so many things you have to be worried about. So many things to keep an eye on. So many.

But one of the hard tasks is also being strong for your kids and husband when he one day comes home, with a shirt stained with blood.

That day when Jungkook left for a whole week, I was already worried enough, but then he came home with him being shoot.

I was very scared. Scared to hear negative things from the doctor. But thank god Jungkook is strong. He's strong for himself and us.

I never left his side from the day he started getting better and better. I would never leave his side.

You know the feeling of wanting to keep a person as close as you can and even being glued to that person? That's how I want us to stay.

That's how I knew he's the person, ever since we started dating.

I wasn't used to see Jungkook all these days at home. It made me so confused. I've never seen Jungkook so many days on a row, because I know his job isn't usual and he can't be home often.

But spending so much time together made me find out that he was actually so scared too. He was scared to be living his last days. He only wanted to spend the next weeks home. With us.

It was two months after Jungkook's accident, when my kids and me were upstairs getting ready for bed. It was nearing 10 pm and I knew Jungkook wouldn't come home this early.

No one was home except for us three. Suddenly, I heard a door trying to get opened. I felt so smart for locking it before coming upstairs.

I heard the door opening. Just then, I ran to my kids and locked their door. There was no way I was going to let them get hurt.

Once I saw my phone on my daughter's bed, I quickly called Jungkook. Thank god he answered very soon.

"Jungkook, where are you?"

I was so scared. So scared something would happen to my kids. So scared this would be the last time me talking to Jungkook.

"I'm so scared. I hear voices from downstairs"

I am so lucky. I would never stop saying it. Jungkook came home just after 5 minutes, before the housebreakers could walk upstairs.

I once again realised that he will forever be my hero.

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