|We Didn't Deserve This|

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We were so young. Young and in love.

She was the pretty, famous girl from College and I was the young, handsome captain of the volleyball team.

We were friends but then we went from friends to a couple just after we graduated from College. I didn't know I could love a person that much like I loved her.

She, Lisa was indeed the most beautiful girl in college. If anyone wouldn't know her name, the only thing you had to say was "the doll face". That's who she was.

And I, Jungkook was so talented in Volleyball that the school made a team for me to train. I enjoyed playing volleyball and having a team felt like I was a sport teacher. I loved the feeling so much that I eventually ended up being a sports teacher.

After a few months of me and Lisa being together, I asked her to be my fiancée and she agreed. I knew she loved me as much as I loved her.

They way her eyes shone when we walked under the moonlight hand-in-hand or the way she looked at me when we danced under the rain made me again realise how lucky I was to feel that much love.

But too much love doesn't last long...

We were planning our marriage, we were buying a house for both of us we even thought about our kids' names.

I was very happy at that time. We were happy. Together.

It was one night before this doll faced girl from college's birthday when she decided to leave.
Leave me all alone in this big world.

Was my love too much? Should I have loved you less than I did?

You left the day after we imagined you walking down the aisle with your father.

We were so happy...

You left too soon, Lisa.

You promised to stay with me. You said you'll be my fire in these dark nights. You said we'll grow up old together.

We Didn't Deserve This

We deserved to lay down in each other's arms and love each other until the end of the world.

As long as I'm living, I'll look up to the shiniest star in the sky and imagine you looking at me too.

Expected Endings -LiskookWhere stories live. Discover now