Chapter 16: Anger Turning Into Homicidal Rage

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~ american poetry society

"I'm feeling safer than I knew I could be
With your arms dragging me into the sea"

"I'm feeling safer than I knew I could beWith your arms dragging me into the sea"

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"They didn't do anything. I did. I killed Harlan."

Nadine's eyes widened at the revelation. She felt a tap on her shoulder and turned. Five gestured for her to scoot further away from them and she agreed, moving away. His eyes stayed on his siblings the entire time. Wren followed in her actions, noticing the tension build.

A heavy feeling took over the group, almost as if someone laid a weighted blanket on the house. She'd been in situations like this before. An entire cult that was upset that their plan to sacrifice her and her best friend failed generally led to a pretty tense atmosphere.

Being with the Hargreeves siblings, you learn to get used to tense situations. This one felt slightly different though. More hostile. Volatile. Scary.

"Oh, damn," Wren whispered from her spot on the arm of the couch. Nadine still sat on the floor with her back against the sofa, between Fives legs. She leaned her head to the side against his knee, her eyes bouncing between Viktor and Allison.

She watched as the man's eyes shimmered, trying to get words out that wouldn't form. "Wha... I- I don't... I don't understand. Why?" He questioned.

"Because he didn't deserve to live," Allison answered simply.

Nadine glanced to the side as Ben grabbed a tub of cheese balls and sat down beside Five on the couch. She felt one of her soulmates fingertips pass the back of her neck and she tilted her head to allow him to mess with the hair.

The girl realized back in Texas that he likes to mess with anything he can put his hands on. That's why he shoves his hands in his pockets, to stop himself from doing it. If he's standing or sitting still for too long he gets uncomfortable and fidgety.

Stuff like hooking his finger in her belt loop or playing with her hair helps him. She didn't mind the way it made her feel as well.

"What? Because they said so?" Viktor asked, his voice getting louder and more confident. "You don't have to listen to them. They don't get to tell us what to do," he continued.

Ben leaned over to Five a small amount. "20 bucks on the little one," he whispered to the boy, shoving a cheese ball in his mouth.

I HEAR A SYMPHONY |3| FIVE HARGREEVESWhere stories live. Discover now