A Strange "REALTOR"

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 You hopped out the bus. You had made it. Uncanny Valley.  A tiny island in the middle of pretty much no where.  Why were you here? Well besides from some small family drama and other things going on in your life.  You wanted a fresh start. And what better place to have a fresh start in, then Uncanny Valley.  Your birth place.  You hadn't stayed in Uncanny Valley for long though, this being because after about a year of living in Uncanny Valley your parents had moved to (whatever state you live in).

"Hey- "YOU", get your suitcase before I throw it in a charity." the bus driver calls to you.  Causing you to walk back into the bus, take your suitcase, and walk back out.  The grouchy bus driver leaving the same moment as when you step out of the bus.  Rude.  You take a moment to try and recall what you were about to do, when you suddenly remember.  You're apartment!  You need to go and see if you can get in.  


The door wouldn't budge-   There you were looking at your apartment door frowning at it.  Trying to see that maybe if you stared enough at it, it would open up for you. It didn't work.  This leading you to having to go down the stairs of the apartment complex.  Looking at it and wondering what the apartment company would have to tell you about your "open" apartment.  

Pulling your phone out of your pocket you call up the number of the apartment company.  A tired lady's voice coming out on the phone's speaker.

"Hi.  What can I do for you?" the lady asks as you hear odd noises in the background.  One that you would call as ocean waves with a blender.  What was she doing??

"Oh!  Hi!  I have an apartment at ###### and I was told it would be open.  However, it is not.  Is there anything you can do about it?" you say with a heavy sigh at the end of your words.

"Uh huh, alright.  Your apartment will be open tomorrow morning.  Have a nice day." the lady says as she hangs up on you.  Another rude person.

"Hello." a man tells you as you jump back and onto the floor.  Looking up at the guy.  It was a man who was quite tall in a red blazer and some black dress pants.   His silver/gray hair was styled a bit weird but he seemed decent.   "Oh- Sincerest apologies! May I help you up?" the man says as he grabs you by the shoulders and stands you up.  Then brushing off your clothing and then his.  "Ah-  Thank you?  What did you need?" you ask the man.  "Lost and lonely?   Need a place to call your own?   I'm Maison Talo, NUMBER #1 REALTOR IN UNCANNY VALLEY!" Maison tells you.  Sounding as if he had said the same words millions of times. 

"Oh-  I'm actually not that interested in a house at the moment.  You see that apartment complex behind you?  Yeah...I have an apartment there already.  It just uh well won't open." you say as Maison slightly frowns.  His big grin slowly disappearing.  "I see.  Please do give me a call if you change your mind." Maison tells you as he pulls out a card from his breast pocket, which another one popping up right after, as he hands it to you with two fingers.  You nodding your head and taking the card.  "I will make sure I do!" you say with a smirk as Maison walks off.  Looking just a bit disappointed.  


You felt bad.  You had literally just made a guy sad.  It was a few minutes after you had encountered the "NUMBER #1 REALTOR IN UNCANNY VALLEY", and the guilt had fully sunken in.  Though, right as you went to go and call Maison, you hear his voice.  "Hello, dear buyer.   I see you haven't given me a call.  You really are lost." Maison says as you do something random and out of the blue.  You hug Maison.  "Are you ok?  I didn't mean to make you said!" you exclaimed.  Your words coming out fast as you tried to mumble an apology the seemed sincere.  "Dear buyer....I accept your apology.  If it would make you feel better we can meet up in a nearby café.  I can buy you something there." Maison says as he returns the hug.  Even if the position was a bit odd for him, because of his height, he tried his best to make you feel comfortable.  

A Different Reality in Uncanny Valley (Mostly Maison Talo)Where stories live. Discover now