Doe Drives (John Doe + Maison Talo x Reader)

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Note: Doe drives a car and let's just say you and Maison are in for a ride. (yes the photo is his drivers license)

You had never asked Doe to drive you anywhere.  Mainly because of being absolutely clueless if he even had a drivers license.  It wasn't until Doe had offered to drive you and Maison home after going on a date with the two.

"Doe it's fine we can get home ourselves!" you tried telling Doe but he wouldn't take that as an answer.  "Cars are a terrifying time one sued me.  Thank goodness I had Sal Goodman who says "I believe that every man, woman, and child is innocent until proven guilty!".  He was a nice guy." Maison recalls.  Doe still didn't change his mind and ended up dragging you two into a car that you sworn was alive.

"Vrooom Vrooooooooooom-  WHERE CAN I GET YA TO TODAY??" the car...the car said.  "I'm going to drive today, Victor!" Doe tells the car as the car starts spinning.  "I knew this was a bad idea.  Dear, we are officially screwed." Maison says as he tries his best to keep his composure.  You on the other hand was holding onto your seat for dear life.  "Ah sorry the car is having a bit of a malfunction.  Give me a sec..." Doe tells you as the car continues to spin but faster.  "I officially hate this car and Doe...I MEAN...Doe's driving." Maison rambles on again as you grab Maison's hand who was next to you in the back seat.  

"If I get my lure cord broken because of your horrible driving YOU'RE going to have to bring me "buyers" to eat!" Maison tells Doe as the car finally stops spinning.  Your stomach hurt you so bad you felt like you wanted to throw up.  "The car is finally working!   Come on Victor, let's bring my love and their....other partner...home!" Doe exclaims as the car starts...oh you're so's flying.  "I've seen enough for today someone please wake me up from this nightmare-" you say as you place your head on Maison's lap.  He pats your head and holds you tight as the car starts speeding up.

The driving was the equivalent to an airplane....if an airplane randomly landed on the road, drove by changing lanes every ten secs....then went back to flying in the air.  "If I could cry in pain...I would, dear.  This is pure torture....who gave Doe a drivers license???" Maison asks as Doe yet again lands on the road to drive again.  You heard sirens and someone yelling at Doe to stop the car.  Doe doing so and stopping the car.  Soon a man walked up to the driver's window.  "Sir, do you have a drivers license?" the man who you supposed was the police asked Doe.  "Yes!  Here it is!" Doe says as he hands over his "drivers license".  "I just wanted to say your driving skills are amazing!" the police officer says as they hand back Doe's "drivers license" and drives away.

"I swear everyone in this Valley need therapy-" Maison exclaims as Doe starts up the car and starts driving full speed into a building.  "OH MY-  WE ARE GONNA CRASH INTO THAT WALL- w h a t -" you were speechless when you crashed into the wall and ended up in the parking lot of your apartment complex.  "This is absolutely unacceptable...come on, dear.  We need some time alone to try and get some therapy from this driving." Maison says as he opens the car and gets you to walk up to your apartment with him.  

You were never letting Doe drive again.

Note:  Don't ask what this is-  idk either-

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