Request: A Broken Heart

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Note: Hi- This isn't angst just you killing Doe- kind of funny tbh- idk I can't write good rn so uh yeah sorry- (the request was if Y/N killed Doe)

"Love, please wake up-" Doe called out to you.  Your eyes opened.  'Ugh it's him again, first of all I don't even love him.  Second of all he's weird and violent and so so attached to me.' you thought as you got out of bed beside Doe.  You were going to ignore him.  Make him suffer.  Maybe that would make him just leave you alone!

"Love, are you going to respond?" Doe asks as he gets out of the bed as well and walks to the spot behind you.  Placing his head on your shoulder.  You jerking away at his touch.  Heading to your closet to get some clothes and then taking the clothes and heading to the bathroom.

There you changed and took a shower.  (yes you took a shower with your clothes- NOOO NAH YOU TOOK SHOWER THEN CLOTHES-)  You didn't care to dry yourself good, Doe hated water and that means it would be a repel-  WAIT-   Looking under the sink you found a bowl, you had placed it there for leaks in the apartment that occurred in the bathroom.   You filled it with water.  This would get rid of him you knew it.  

"Are you there, Love?  Are you okay?  You haven't-" Doe tries to protest as you open the door and hide the water beside you.   "Oh Hi!!" Doe sighs as he hugs you.  Placing kisses on your face and neck.  "Oh I love love love you!" Doe exclaims as you try and get him to let go.  "Let go of me Doe-" you mutter as you push him away.  

You grabbed the bowl and threw it at him.  (the water- not the bowl...actually yeah you threw the bowl-)  Doe hissed at this and fell back.  You walked up to him and stepped on top of his melting form.  "DOE I WILL NEVER LOVE YOU- I'M SO TIRED OF PRETENDING I WILL-" you scream as you grab his hair so hard to try and rip it.  He was upset and you knew it.  You stepped off of him and let go of his hair and ran away quickly to find gasoline.  You were going to kill him.

Finding the gasoline and a lighter you ran back to Doe and put gasoline on him.  You lit the lighter and threw it on him.  Running out of the apartment complex to make sure you didn't die with him.  You ran to the bus station you were leaving town. (If I'm correct I believe the creator of John Doe said the most humanly way to kill "REGULAR GUYS" were by killing them with fire.)

Note: I hate this.....motivation to write slim- probably going to write Killer Love Loop (my John Doe fic) after this-   Have a good day everyone-

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