Request: Movie Date

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Thank you so much, @Maylee_sta for this request!!  I enjoyed writing it!!  Btw please check out her work.  It's very good!! (idk why I made this so long-)

You looked at your watch while sitting on the bus.  'Just a few more minutes and I'm home!!!' you think to yourself.  The thought of seeing Doe making you happy.  

He hadn't come to work with you today because you had told him he was freaking out people and that meant that you could lose your job.  AND you really didn't want to lose your job.  Cause last time you were on the verge of losing your job that weird "#1 REALTOR OF UNCANNY VALLEY" came to visit you.  Doe slamming the door in that guy's face.  Exactly, what he deserved.

A few minutes passed until the bus finally came to a stop.  You sat up and got out of the bus walking to the apartment complex where your apartment was at.  The whole way walking there, surprisingly nothing happened.

After a long walk, you were finally at your apartment's door, putting in the key, and turning it, unlocking the door.  "DOE, I'M HOME-" your words being cut off as Doe knocks you off your feet as he jumps onto you for a hug.  "LOVE, YOU'RE BACK!!!  OH I MISSED YOU SO SO MUCH!!!" Doe exclaims as he starts placing kisses on your face.  (wait a sec...Doe reminds me a bit of a over excited puppy...and if you replace e in doe with g you get dog- WHAT-)

"Heh...Doe you can stop now-  You're embarrassing me." you say in a small whisper to Doe as you see someone staring down at the two of you looking disgusted.  (before you say anything-  you're in the apartment complex's hallway...someone did not just randomly walk into your apartment to judge you)  Doe looks up at said person and then back at you as he gets off you so you can stand up.  "I'm so sorry ma'am!" you say as the elderly lady nods her head at you.  "Noo~  No-  I understand me and my husband used to go to the movies and-  *wheezes*  Is that Timothy!?!?" the elderly lady says as she walks away to a nearby squirrel.  She seemed as if she forgot about everything that she just saw. 

Not wanting to be outside of your apartment anymore, you walk inside it and close the door, holding Doe's hand as you do these actions.  Bringing Doe with you to sit down on the couch.  "I'm sorry, my love...I won't do it again!  Are you upset with me?" Doe asks as he looks into your eyes as he sits down beside you.  Your eyes were tearing up and to someone who wasn't you it looked like you were upset.  "NO-  MY EYES ARE SO DRY-  DOE DO YOU KNOW WHERE THE EYE DROPS ARE??" you say as you rub your eyes.  "Oh they're in the bathroo-" Doe says not saying the word bathroom fully so you didn't remember he hadn't took a bath recently.  "Mhm-  Ok I'll be right back." you walked to the bathroom and found the eye drops, grabbing them, and using them.  (love how this is almost everything but a movie date-  TRUST ME IT'S COMING SOON-  I just am trying to build up some events...)

While walking back to Doe you tried to think of what you could do to make up for your recent activity.  You sort of felt like you were being a bit distant?  as a partner to Doe.  Then you remembered the old lady's words "Is that Timothy!?!?" wait no not those..."*wheezes*"..not that either-  Oh!  "me and my husband used to go to the movies"!  That's what she had said.  You know how much Doe absolutely loved TV and a movie date would be the best thing to do! (I'm laughing so hard rn-)

"Doe?" you call out for Doe who had literally disappeared.  (you went to the bathroom-  he's scared you gonna wash him)  "Yes, my love?" Doe asks as he seemingly appears out of no where.  "I want to go on a movie date!!" you tell Doe.  " date?  What's that?" Doe asks as he tilts his head.  "Oh, you mean when me and you go and sit on the couch and we cuddle while watching tv!?!" Doe asks his shirt logo changing into a tv.  "Not exactly.  There's something called a movie theatre.  Which is like a big tv that shows a movie and people sit down on chairs to watch it while eating stuff like popcorn and candy." you say as your hardest attempt to explain a movie theatre to Doe.  "Well then, I would love love love to go on a movie date with you!!!" Doe exclaims as he places a kiss on your lips and moves to your side were he grabbed ono your arm.  Purring into your side.  You had never really gone on an actual date with him somewhere cause you felt that it wouldn't really be his thing but now you realized that you were wrong.  Plus, last time you had went somewhere this happened:

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