Request: A Stab in the Heart

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WARNING: Death, blood, implications of murder, it's a yandere fic...what do you expect? , people dropping dead, daggers, following, stalking, creepy aspects in general

Note: Yandere Maison request I got in the comments, sorry for no Valentines special (it's been over a month so who am I kidding ya'll probably already forgot abt that) but maybe this could make up for it? (also for some reason when I write Maison I like writing "YOU" instead of Y/N)

New note: Oh and I finally found the person who asked for this lol @Jul1anT00ns thanks for the idea!

You were working.  As normal, in this dreary gas station.  Fantasizes of other lives flashing in your head.  Nothing out of the blue was happening to you since you arrived on this strange island.  Nothing at all except that man, his name was Maison as you recalled.

He's really the only man that your brain classified as weird.  From his weird offer to the way he talks.  But the odder thing, is that you couldn't help but feel like he was watching you.  You would have sworn you had seen him at your nearby grocery store or even in the apartment complex.   Then again he could just....yeah you're probably just overthinking it.  He's old anyways, why would he want someone like YOU?  

"Hello, YOU...I see we meet again." a voice calls out to you in almost a purr.  Your eyes dart up to see the "#1 REALTOR IN UNCANNY VALLEY".  "Hi, Maison-" you tried your best not to seem bothered by his presence but you were.  If it didn't make things any better.  His eyes never left you...more your form.  

"You look quite ravishing, my dear~" he says with a small smirk.  He was trying to flirt with you...duh, he leans down to your height in that chair.  "If I were you my dear, I wouldn't try running every time you see me.  You're such a quick little rabbit, and I'm not one to play with my food~" his voice whispers to you.  You try and look away but he ends up tilting your head up so you're forced to look at him.

The shade of your face was an awful red.  "Oh do you have a sickness?  Or is it something else that is making you look a sickly red~" you look at him.  It felt as if you were gonna explode if he kept teasing you.  "Oh Hey, Buddy!" your coworker comes in through the gas station doors.  Maison quickly retracting his hands from you and looking at your coworker with a fake smile.  

"Maison, it's so good to see you!" your coworker tells Maison as your coworker finds a chair to sit beside you.  "Likewise.  Look at the time, I really must get going."  Maison says as he walks out of the gas station brushing himself off.  

"What is up with him?  He got some dirt with me or something?" your coworker finally brings up.  "Erik, you know how he is.  He's like this to everyone." YOU say with an eye roll.  "Sure, he acts all Mr. Goody two shoes around you?  WHO DOES HE THINK HE IS?  ELON MUSK?" Erik exclaims as he bangs his fist on the counter.  "That's not nice-" you tell Erik with a scoff.  

"Yeah yeah sure-"  Erik signs as he sees someone new enter the gas station.  It was a blank haired skrunkly like man appeared in front of you two.  "Hello sir what can we get you?" you ask, your focus now on him.  "Maison is not what he seems-" the guy says in a whisper like tone directed to you, before he just..leaves.

How weird?

Your coworker makes no comment on the weird guy until about an hour of silence.  When he finally comments on how weird he was.  You agree and then sit back in your chair and start flipping through a magazine.

A few hours later your shift finally ends and you and your coworker head home.  Erik driving his car home and you taking the bus.  The bus was empty itself.  God what was up with all this creepiness.  A weird guy...your coworker-  actually scratch that he was always weird.  Erik was just one of those guys who was a bit odd.  

The bus suddenly jolts far from where your stop was.  You look at the bus driver, which correct me if I'm wrong but it looks like he had just dropped dead.  Should you call 911?  Is there even 911 on this island?  Yeah, maybe you should just leave it alone.  But murder, fine. 

Looking at your phone you ring up 911.  Which, does not exist.  Oh come on now how is this your fault.  You stare at the body and decide to just hop out and head home.  What were you supposed to do anyways..try and see if he was alive?  Try and bring him back to life?  

You weren't gonna leave fingerprints on the dead body and being asked as a suspect for killing this guy.  If police even exist.  Not like there was any cameras nearby so no one would know a thing!  Unless he had family.

Yeah you're overthinking this.  You hop out of the bus and head to your apartment.  The sidewalks and walkways seeming eerier than before.  A chilling feeling of eyes watching you from behind kept on being on you.  At one time you swore you heard a voice trailing in your ear telling you something like "love me" or "you're mine".  

If it didn't make things worse.  The voice sounded so familiar.  It was purring out your name as you started walking faster and faster.  Hearing laughing at your rushed actions to try and to escape.  

Finally getting to your apartment you slammed your door closed (not forgetting to lock it) and sighed with relief.  Your eyes darting around the place as you tried to make sure no one had broken in.  "Hello-" you called out as you decided to head to your kitchen.  

Oh had you wished you didn't.  Feeling yourself almost scream as you covered your mouth at the scene you saw.  It was a dead body on the floor a tall figure standing over the body.  Tears started falling down your eyes as you come to realize that the dead body was no other than your friend Erik and the guy standing in front of the body was....Maison.

Maison turns to look at you.  A dagger in his hands that he was cleaning with a cloth, tilting his head at you with a twisted lovesick smile.  "Please do forgive me for the mess!  It seems your friend here just didn't know how to stay still." Maison says as he starts approaching you.  A red crimson liquid decorated his form as stars did the night.  His smile only growing slightly bigger as he watched you frozen in place.

"Did I scare you?" he asks with a chuckle.  "I always was known as infamous for my entrances.  It's such a shame that you may end like that pest over there if you don't accept my love." Maison says with a sweet smile he forced on himself.  Your head tilted up so you looked directly at his eyes.  Your face painted in blue streaks of tears.  "Do you love me?" he finally asks.  

"Well I think me and you both know the answer, don't we?" his smile never fading once as you feel yourself shake a bit.  Eyes darting for any point of escape.  However, it seems that Maison was so many steps ahead of you.  Your lips open up to form words...even though you hated to say them to Maison at the moment you did it reluctantly.

"I love you...."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2023 ⏰

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