IT'S CHRISTMAS!!!! (John Doe x Reader Version)

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Note: I SHOULD BE POSTING THIS BEFORE OR AFTER CHRISTMAS OR ON THE DAY OF CHRISTMAS.  And for those who don't celebrate  Christmas I hope you have a good day and have Happy (what you do celebrate lol)!

You find yourself sitting down on the couch.  It was Christmas Eve and unlike any of your coworkers who were wrapping presents or spending time with their were sitting down on a couch.  Doe on the other hand was clearly gone.  He said he was getting ready for something.  You had no idea if he even knew what Christmas is.

Then the door opened to your apartment letting all of the cold air into the apartment.  "LOVE!!!  I FOUND uh...KRIS-  CHIR-  CHRISTMAS STUFF!!!  Oh and these crunchy electric things....I ate some of them." Doe tells you as you whip your head around to see Doe covered in scarfs and a big coat holding a whole tree and some led lights and some other Christmas decorations.  "AH-  DOE GET IN QUICKLY!!" you tell Doe as he quickly brings everything in and shutting the door behind him.

"Doe....WHERE DID YOU FIND THIS STUFF??" you ask Doe in a frantic way as you stand up and head over to Doe.  "Hmmm-   They were in front of some house!" Doe tells you with a smile.  " just...took it?" you asked Doe as you were panicking in the inside.  "What-  Oh-  No-  I didn't do that!  The nice old lady with the uh squirrel gave it to me!  She said she used to have it up but now that Timothy has been getting caught in the Christmas tree and other stuff she gave it to me and you!  Oh and she also rambled on how I looked like her son!" Doe tells you his smile returning again.  "Ok!" you say as you take the lights away from Doe before he could eat another one.

You ended up spending the next few hours decorating your apartment in all kinds of decorations that Doe had found.  Some of them were eaten, others surprisingly not.  It was fun! (this is totally random have no rights)

When finally done with putting up the decorations you tried getting Doe out of his big coat and scarf.  Only to somehow get caught in his hair.  "DOE LET ME OUT...." you felt yourself screaming as Doe looked curiously where you had went.  "Where are you?" Doe asks as you literally panic.  "IN YOUR-" you try and scream until a hair strand goes over your mouth.  Yippee-  you were going to die on Christmas fun.   

It wasn't until a few minutes later that there was a knock on the door.  And for some reason Doe was still completely unaware of where you were.  Doe walking to the door and opening it.  "Oh~  It's nice to see you, you nice young man." you hear what you supposed was the old lady with the pet squirrel.  "May I come in?  I brought some of my best cookies!" the old lady exclaims as you feel Doe nod his head.  The lady and her pet rushing in...well more her pet.  "You're so kind!" the lady says as you feel something scratch at your legs.  You try and move but Doe kind of jolts back in pain releasing you from whatever hair prison you were in.  "OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH TIMOTHY!!" you scream as you grab the squirrel and hug him.  The poor guy being so confused on what he had just did. 

"Oh love...there you are!!!" Doe says happily as the old lady places down the cookies on your counter top.  "I need to get going.  I'll see you lovely couple tomorrow!" she says as she walks away her pet running after her.  

"That was odd." you say as Doe hugs you and plant's kisses on your face.  "I missed you so so so much!!" Doe exclaims as you walk to your door and close it.  Then heading to your bedroom.  You surprisingly had a present for Doe without him knowing and it was in your closet.  Little did you know Doe had something for you too.

You flop onto your bed and then change into a more comfortable position.  You were going to change but Doe just wouldn't leave you alone to do such a thing.  Doe on the other hand got onto the other side of the bed and cuddled with you.


It was at 2am when you woke up.  You somehow get out of Doe's grip without him noticing and get his gift.  Going to the new Christmas tree that Doe got you and placing the gift under it.  You hoped he would enjoy it.

Soon after walking back to the bed and seeing Doe staring at you.  Whoops-  Cover blown.   "Love, what are you doing?" Doe asks as he gets out of bed and walks up to you.  "AH-  UH-  NOTHING!!!" you say feeling your body become hot.  "You're lying, love." Doe says as he cups your cheek.  "WHAT-  NOOO-  I WOULD NEVER LIE TO YOU-" you say as you feel your face getting hotter.  "I can tell you're need to hide it!  It's so cute!" Doe chuckled at your red warm face, feeling the warmth on your cheeks as you tried to calm down.  He found it all so adorable.

 You placed your hands on top of his hands, that were on both of your cheeks on your face.  "Heh-  L-let's not focus on that right now dear!  We will get back to it later, okay?" you looked at him, slightly pleading with your eyes.  He took notice of this.  There was a pause for a few seconds.  "... Fine." he said in tone that was still with a bit concern, looking back at your face and smiling.  You grabbing his hands and kissing them, causing his face to fluster a bit.  

A few seconds pass and you're in bed with Doe.  He telling you sweet nothings as he places his face on your head.


"WAKE UP, LOVE!!" Doe tells you as he shakes you awake.  "IT'S CHRISTMAS!!!" Doe yells as his smile somehow grows wider as you open your eyes.  "Mhm-  Oh yeah!" you say excitedly as you kiss John Doe on the lips and then get out of his touch.  Getting out of bed and heading to the living room.

Finding Doe rushing behind you looking at the tree and what you had placed under it.  Along with something else beside it.  "Merry Christmas Doe!" you say as you grab the present and hand it to him.  His eyes sparkling.  "FOR ME!! REALLY!!!" Doe asks happily.  "Yes, for you!  Open it!" you usher Doe as he takes out the tissue paper and his eyes glow at what you got him.  It was a shirt with a literal tooth on it.  Oh and a new knife for Doe...he had that weird kink and you wanted to keep him happy.  "I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!" Doe exclaims as he gives you a big hug and gives you so many kisses you thought you'd faint.

"Love~  I got you something too!" Doe says as your eyes dart to the deformed partially wrapped "gift" that Doe was grabbing to go and give to you.  "Ah...what is it?" you ask as you take off the paper and see a sort of doll.  "It's a doll!!  I can put a smaller version of me in it to watch over you when you have to go to work!!!" Doe tells you as you looked at the rather badly made doll.  It looked like a teddy bear with no stuffing and a few holes in it.  "Oh I get it!  Thank you Doe!" you say as you pat Doe's head.  "NOW CAN WE WATCH THOSE CHR-  KRISTMAS MOVIES???" Doe asks you as he drags you to the couch and sits you down.  You putting on a Christmas movie and watching it with him.

Later on, the old lady came to visit you and Doe.  The lady was nice and her squirrel surprisingly didn't cause too much trouble.  Well until they found some cockroach and started chasing it.  Doe making a small Doe Ball to help keep peace between the two critters.  You on the other hand talked to the nice lady who had brought you and Doe a nice gift.  It was some nice movies she had found because she said she heard TV going off in your apartment every time she walked by it.   Doe finding himself snuggling up against you as you rambled to the lady about all your problems, she probably wouldn't remember them anyway.

Towards the end of the day and right when the old lady was about to leave you saw Timothy climb the tree and put something over you and Doe.  It was mistletoe.  "Oh~  Timothy you little love matcher...go on you two lovebirds you kiss." the old lady who you learned through conversation was named ironic.  You wrapped your hands around Doe's head and pulled him in for a kiss.  Doe's face getting redder than red.  After the kiss was done Doe started jumping up to eat the mistletoe.  Scaring Timothy and making him one away with the mistletoe causing Doe to groan.  

Christmas was great for you and Doe.  You wouldn't have wished for it to go any other way.

Note: Sorry if this isn't the best-  motivation gave out here and there lol.  Again Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays  and to the ones who don't celebrate either or none have a wonderful whatever you decide to do!  (Thank you Maylee_sta for helping me with this halfway through!)

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