Request: A Blade in the Ice

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Note:  @GoofyAmarbar THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR REQUESTING THIS!!!  I HOPE THIS IS WHAT YOU WANTED- (Sorry for this taking a while I've been busy-)

Sighing you grab your skates and walk to the door.  Opening it and seeing a tall figure in front of you.  "Dear, you look rather lovely today." Maison tells you as you throw your bag with your skates on your arm.  Maison kissing your hand lightly, as if you were a fragile object to him.

"I still don't know how we ended up with each other.  WE'RE ON ENTIRLY DIFFERENT SKATING TEAMS-" you exclaim as Maison tuts at you and places a finger on your lips.  " is a rather interesting concept, my dear." he responds as he takes your hand and walks you out of your apartment complex.  (you locked the door of course.)

"So.  Where are we going, for this little date of ours?" you ask Maison his smile somehow growing bigger.  "Where do you think, pretty little thing?" he says as he continues to walk with you.  "The ice skating rink?" you ponder as Maison nods his head.  "Not any ice skating rink, my dear.  Our ice skating rink.  The one I saw your lovely face in." Maison says, not looking at you but knowing exactly how his words had effected you.  " did not." you say shocked.  "Oh I did." Maison replies

After a while of walking you made it to the ice skating arena.  It was quite big and empty.  "Hey Maison where is everyone else?" you asked as you sat down to put on your ice skates.  "I may or may not have rented it just for us." Maison says as he puts and attachment blade onto his "shoes".  "Maison!  You didn't have too!" you exclaim as you stand up with Maison and head to the ice rink's gate and open it.

Getting on the ice as Maison follows behind you.  "Oh but you mean so much to me." he says as he does a small spin.  You never understood how he could do such complicated things on his "skates".  "You mean a lot to me too." you say as you skate up to Maison.  

"Wanna try out a few things?" he asks you as you get a bit close to him.  "Sure-" you say as Maison grabs you by the waist, picks you up, and spins you around.  Both of you were so in sync even though you had never done such things together.  

Once he put you down he leaves a small kiss on your head as he starts skating backwards.  You skating toward him.  "Hey what are you doing??" you ask as something clips onto Maison's back as he grabs you close to him.  You and him were now being lifted into the air.  "AHHHHHHHHHHHH-" you scream as Maison holds you close to him as the wire moves around in the air.  

"Just calm down, dear." Maison says as he kisses you.  "You could have at least warned me y'know." you say to Maison as you continue to "fly".  

Music starts playing....oh gee.  WHY DID IT HAVE TO BE DISNEY PRINCESS LOVE MUSIC.   "So this is love?  mmmmmmm  So this  So this is what makes life......divine....." the song sings as the lights in the rink change a bit.  "Only the best for you, my dear." he whispers to you as your heart beats a bit faster.  You were blushing hard.  UGH...why were you into stuff like this?  He was your rival!  Not some wattpad fanfiction dream. 

Sooner or later you start going back to the ground.  Finding your self skating with Maison in a sort of ballroom way.  Maison was so good at what he did and you were shocked when you had beat him in an earlier competition.  Maybe he-  Maybe he had let you win.  You-  why was he just so perfect?

" there something on your lovely little mind?" Maison asks as he skates around with you.  "Nothing, my love....just a bit tired." you tell him as you stop skating.  "I see.  Would you like to head to our home?" Maison asks.  "Our home?" you ask.  Maison stopping what he was doing immediately.  "You know what I mean, dear." Maison says as he starts heading to the gate.  Holding your hand.  "Sure-" you respond as you take off your skates on the nearby bench and start packing up to go back to your apartment.

After you and Maison are done you walk back to your apartment.  Once there finding yourself deciding if Maison should stay or not.   "Hey Maison?  Before you go...could you maybe stay the night?" you ask as Maison subtly nods his head as you pull him in through the door and close it behind you two.

"Is this what lovers do?" Maison asks as you sit next to him on the couch to watch a classic movie.  "I guess?  It just feels right..." you tell him as you find both of you falling asleep soon after you say those words.  Ah how you truly loved him.

Note: Kind of rushed it toward the end-  please forgive me again for making this take forever.

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