Ep1 ~ P4

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Wednesday's pov

I stared at the blood on my fingers for a moment then stared at the blade pointed at my face.

"Your face finally got that splash of color it so desperately needed," Bianca smirked at me. I didn't say anything. All I did was get up from the ground. I watched as everyone started to leave. Y/n rushed over to me.

"Are you ok?" she asked. Her hands reached up and brushed my bangs away from the cut on my forehead. Her touch was gentle. Out of instinct, I grabbed her wrists and removed them from my face. I stared at her beautiful e/c eyes for a moment before I realized what I was doing. I released Y/n's wrists and looked at the ground. I could feel my face getting a bit warm. What is this? I don't like it.

"I'm fine," I said bitterly, still looking at the ground. Y/n sighed.

"Come on... Let's go to the infirmary," she said gently.

"I'm fine," I repeated.

"You're bleeding,"

"Yes, I'm aware."

"So let's go get a band-aid."

"I said I'm..." I started.

"Shut up and let's go." Y/n rolled her eyes. She's not going to give up.

"Fine," I muttered. Y/n grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the fencing room.


Y/n's pov

I dragged Wednesday down to the infirmary. I sat him down on one of the beds and grabbed the medical supplies I needed. I gingerly cleaned his cut and placed the band-aid over it. Pressing it gently to make sure it stayed.

"Voila!" I said. "If Ethan were here I would have asked him to heal it for you." Wednesday looked up at me.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"Oh! That's his ability. He has healing abilities. Since Ethan and I aren't Fangs, Furs, Stoners, Scales, etc. We have supernatural abilities." Wednesday nodded.

"Not all outcasts have them though," I added. Wednesday brushed his bangs to cover the band-aid.

"What's your ability?"

"Oh, mine is magic," I smiled. I held up my hand. My hand was coated in a f/c mist-like glow. "Well, it's more of this elemental magic. So far all I know is that I can control some elements like water, ice, earth/nature, fire..." As if on cue a small ball of fire shot from my hand breaking a nearby vase. I shook my hand violently to get rid of the ball of magic.

"Shit! I'm sorry!" I apologized to the nurse. Someone came in and cleaned up the mess. Luckily nothing caught on fire.

"Ta-da..." I sheepishly said to Wednesday. Wednesday opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by someone.

"You're Wednesday, right?" Rowan said. Wednesday and I turned around to face him. "Rowan." he introduced. The nurse checking his blood pressure walked away.

"I know how you feel." Rowan continued. Wednesday's eyes narrowed.

"I guarantee you don't," he said.

"My mother promised me I'd finally fit in somewhere. I never thought it could be possible to be an outcast in a school full of outcasts." Rowan ignored Wednesday's comment. "But it looks like you're gonna give me a run for my money." He smiled and then awkwardly laughed when Wednesday just stared at him.

"Sorry about the... nick."

"No good deed goes unpunished," Wednesday replied flatly. He grabbed his fencing suit and exited the infirmary leaving me and Rowan behind. The nurse returned and handed Rowan his inhaler.

"Sorry about him," I said. "He's... uh... I'm not really sure how to explain his behavior."

"Oh, it's fine. No big deal." Rowan smiled. "I'll be on my way." Rowan stood up and left as well. I sighed. I stayed in the infirmary a little longer to help the nurse tidy up since I had nothing better to do. Within a few minutes, Xavier came in carrying Wednesday.

"What happened!" I exclaimed. Xavier placed Wednesday on one of the beds.

"A gargoyle fell right above him but I pushed him out of the way," Xavier explained. "He must have hit his head."


Wednesday's eyes shot open.

"Welcome back," Xavier said.

"Xavier, stop hovering about him, it's creepy," I said, pushing him away. Xavier sits down in a chair. I give Wednesday a hug. Wednesday gently pushed me away the moment I touched him.

"Oh right, sorry," I said, turning pink in embarrassment. Wednesday sat up.

"Take it easy," I said. "The nurse said you don't have a concussion, but you're probably going to have a nasty bump."

"The last thing I remember I was walking outside feeling a mixture of rage, pity, self-disgust, and this other feeling." Wednesday shared. "I never felt that way before."

"Losing to Bianca has that effect on people." Xavier paused, "I think."

"Then I looked up and saw that gargoyle coming down and I thought, 'At least I'll have an imaginative death." Wednesday looked at Xavier. "Then you pushed me out of the way. Why?"

"Tch. Call it instinct," he answered.

"So you were guided by latent chivalry, the tool of the patriarchy, to extract my underlying gratitude?"

"Wednesday, you could just say thank you," I chimed in. Wednesday looked at me.

"I didn't want to be rescued."

"So he should have just let that thing smash you to mush?!" I exclaimed.

"I would have rather saved myself." Wednesday retorted. I sighed and took a seat on the bed.

"It's good to see you haven't changed," Xavier said. "If it makes you feel any better, let's just say I returned the favor." Wednesday's face didn't show any confusion but in his eyes, I could see it.

"Xavier Thrope. You probably don't remember me," he said. "Last time we met, I was about two feet shorter, forty pounds heavier."

"What happened?" Wednesday asked. Xavier exhaled.

"Puberty, I guess."

"I think he means what happened the last time you guys met," I said.

"Oh, uh... it was my godmother's funeral. Apparently, she was friends with your grandmother, and they spent their twenties in Europe, swindling the rich and notorious." Xavier shrugged. "I don't know, but we were ten, and we were bored and decided to play hide and seek." I scooted back farther onto the bed so I was more comfortable. Wednesday glanced over at me.

"I had the inspired idea to hide in her casket. I got stuck as it was headed to the crematorium." Xavier smiled a little and looked at his lap.

"I'd heard muffled screams. I just figured your godmother had cheated death and was trying to claw her way out."

"Either way, you hit the big red stop button and saved me from being flame-broiled. So... now we're even." The three of us sat there talking about life for the next few hours. I had moved from the end of the bed to right next to Wednesday. So I could lean on the pillows like how he was. I don't think Wednesday was all that interested in the conversation. It was mostly between me and Xavier. Wednesday didn't have a choice to listen or not so he just sat there quietly. Occasionally speaking up to say his opinion or comment. Soon Xavier had to leave so it was just me and Wednesday.

"You can leave now," Wednesday said after a few minutes of silence. I looked over at him.

"Nah... I'll keep you company," I replied, grabbing a book off a table. Wednesday opened his mouth to protest.

"That's what friends are for," I said before he could speak. I opened the book and started to read it. Wednesday peered over my shoulder to read it as well. I glanced over at Wednesday. I guess Enid was right. He is kinda cute.

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