Ep1 ~ P5

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Wednesday's pov

The book Y/n picked up was incredibly boring. But I have nothing better to do. So I sat there reading it with her. We read for quite a while before I felt weight on my shoulder. I look over and see Y/n's head resting on my shoulder. She must have fallen asleep. I reached my hand up to wake her up but paused. She looks peaceful. Instead of waking her up, I move a strand of her hair out of her face. I gently removed the book from her lap and just sat there holding as still as possible so I didn't wake Y/n up.


Y/n's pov

I must have dozed off. I peeked an eye open. I was still in the infirmary. I glanced up only to see Wednesday. Did I fall asleep on him? My face turned a little pink at the thought. We just met. A wave of tiredness swept over me. I closed my eyes again. Right as I did I could feel a pair of eyes on me.

"Take a picture, it will last longer," I mumbled, still waking up. I opened my eyes again and sat up, removing my head from Wednesday's shoulder. I rubbed my eyes and stretched.

"You can leave now. I'm able to leave," Wednesday said. Wednesday got off the bed, and I followed his lead.

"Let's go," I smiled. Wednesday walked out of the infirmary with me following behind. We then went our separate ways. Me to my dorm and Wednesday to his.


After a few hours of homework, I decided to drop by Ethan's dorm to say hi. I climbed out my window and walked along the roof to get to the hallway where Ethan's dorm was. I climbed down to the railing and crawled through the window. I then knocked on Ethan's door. I could hear faint music and the sound of a typewriter. Both sounds stopped and there was some shuffling. Wednesday opened the door.

"Hello," he said.

"Hi!" I replied, "Is... Ethan home?" Wednesday looked behind him to check.

"No, he's not."

Do you know when he'll be back?" I asked.

"I believe he should be back in a few minutes or so," Wednesday answered.

"Oh ok... May I come in to wait?" Wednesday opened the door wider and headed back to his desk. I enter his dorm, closing the door behind me. I took a seat on Ethan's bed as Wednesday resumed typing. Wednesday suddenly stopped typing. He got up from his seat and walked over to his bed. Wednesday ripped the covers off his bed.

"I knew it. Hello Thing." Wednesday said. I looked over at Wednesday confused. Who is he talking to? Wednesday then lunged forward grabbing a hand that attached itself to the bed frame.

"What the hell is that!" I shouted, standing up quickly. Wednesday held up the hand, ignoring me.

"Did you really think that my highly trained olfactory senses wouldn't pick up on the faint whiff of neroli and bergamot in your favorite hand lotion? I could do this all day." Wednesday slammed Thing on his desk. Thing trembled beneath Wednesday's hand.

"Surrender?" Thing tapped the desk frantically and Wednesday removed his hand. He moved his lamp so the light shined on Thing.

"Mother and Father sent you to spy on me, didn't they?" I stood behind Wednesday. Watching him interrogate Thing. Thing shook a finger.

"I'm not above breaking a few fingers. The fact they thought I wouldn't find out proves how much they underestimate me." Wednesday said. Thing signs to Wednesday.

"Oh, Thing, you poor, naive appendage. My parents aren't worried about me. They're evil puppeteers who want to pull my strings even from afar."

"I'm uh... gonna let you deal with this..." I interrupted, backing towards the door. "Bye." I closed the door behind me. Wednesday is definitely a bit weirder than I thought.

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