Ep2 ~ P2

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Y/n's pov

After this morning's events, I decided to tell Tyler all the tea. I entered the Weathervane.

"Hi Tyler," I greeted.

"Hey Y/n," Tyler smiled. "The usual?" I nodded.

"Coming right up!" Tyler got to work on my drink. I took a seat at one of the booths. Tyler soon came up to me, my drink in hand. Tyler frowned when he noticed my gloomy mood.

"Hey... What's wrong," he asked and took a seat across from me. I looked up at Tyler.

"Remember the boy Wednesday ran after?" I asked.

"Yeah, I think so... What about him."

"Well, last night after I chased after Wednesday. That boy died because of some monster." I explained. I spent the next few minutes explaining last night's events in great detail.

"So this boy is supposed to be dead but you saw him this morning while with my dad?" I nodded. Tyler looked at the clock.

"I wish we could talk more but I have to go to therapy." I frowned

"Oh... I'll walk you." I grabbed my drink and stood up. Tyler led the way to Dr. Kinbott's office. We see Wednesday leaving.

"Hi Wednesday!" I smiled. Wednesday looked over in my direction.

"Guess you decided to stick around Jeericho," Tyler said. "Wait, you see Dr. Kinbott too?"

"He's legally required to go 'cause of you know," I whispered.

"You don't have to whisper," Wednesday said.

"Well, to make you feel better I do too," Tyler said. "Court ordered." Tyler and I followed Wednesday across the street.

"I also go to therapy. I don't really know why though." I shrugged.

"Hey, I heard what happened last night. Are you ok?" Tyler asked as we stopped on the other side of the street. "Kinda crazy."

"Everyone, including your father, believes we made it all up," Wednesday said.

"Which we didn't." I included. "I got to go guys. Bye!" I turned and left for therapy.

"Bye!" Tyler responded as I walked away. Wednesday just stared as I left.

"You know, I..." Tyler paused when he gets a notification on his phone. He pulled out his phone to look at the notification. "Time to get in touch with my inner rebel. You know, for the record, I believe you." Tyler then turned and walked away.


When therapy was over, I sat in the grass painting a canoe with Enid. We were getting ready for the Poe Cup. Enid walked around in circles, bugging her teammates, including me, telling us to either put more effort into the design or hurry up.

"Ladies, come on! Let's work on those teeth. More scowl. This kitty is taking no prisoners."

"Enid, calm down please!" I said as I continued to concentrate.

"If Bianca Barclay wins again this year, I will literally scratch my own eyes out!" She said she was quite anxious about the Poe Cup.

"I would pay money to see that," Wednesday said, suddenly appearing behind me. I flinched in surprise, ruining the eye I was painting.

"Wednesday! Stop sneaking up on me!" I whined, staring at the smudge of yellow paint I had made. I looked up at him. I swore I could have seen a tiny smile but it disappeared quickly. Enid turned to look at him with a big smile on her face.

"Howdy, Y/n's brother's roomie! I'm so glad you decided to stay." Wednesday raised his eyebrow and looked down at me as if saying you told her. I smiled back sheepishly.

"Of course, she told me and Thing gives a killer neck massage by the way."

"Thing?" Wednesday said confused.

"Oh Thing comes and visits Y/n and me sometimes." Enid clarified. I started fixing the cat eye I was painting. "So... why the change of heart?"

"I refuse to play the role of a pawn in someone else's corrupt game." He said.

"Do you mean Rowan?" I asked, not looking up from the canoe.

"We witnessed his murder, Y/n"

"Yeah... I know..."

"We all saw him this morning though." Enid said. "Very much, like, not dead."

"I know." Wednesday answered. "Which leads me to believe I've been losing my mind." He looked down as if disappointed. "It's not nearly as fun as I had anticipated."

"Wait, so you're saying I'm losing my mind too?" I said confused. "Maybe that's why I'm in therapy..." I shrugged and continued painting. Wednesday ignored my comment.

"You're Nevermore's gossip queen. What's Rowan's story?"

"Other than being a weird loner... uh... no offense." Enid said.

"None taken."

"Xavier Thorpe's his roommate. If you had a cell phone, you could just text him and ask him." Enid turned to see her teammate's progress. I was checking my texts.

"Yoko. Come on! Flare those whiskers. Y/n get off your phone!" I slowly put my phone down and continued painting. "The Poe Cup droops for no one."

"What is the Poe Cup anyway?" Wednesday asked.

"It's just this canoe race that Enid's been obsessing over." I said simply before Enid butted in.

"It's my entire reason for living right now! Part canoe race, part foot chase, no rules. Each dorm has to pick an Edgar Allan Poe short story for inspiration." Enid explained.

"Enid, you know you could grab a brush and help us, right?" I said as I tossed a clean paint brush at her but missed. "You could grab one to Wednesday." I threw another brush this time at Wednesday and missed once again.

"Ms. Thornhill's just ordered pizza. Want to take a stab at being social?" Enid said.

"I do like stabbing. The social part, not so much." Wednesday just stood there with his arms crossed. "Besides, it'll cut into my writing time."

"No worries. Just as long as you're lakeside chewing us to victory on race day." I glanced up at them.

"Or you could just uncomfortably glare at us. That works too... I guess..."


Hi friends!

Sorry I kinda disappeared. Life abducted me. 😢 But I'm back now and hopefully will be updating more frequently.

Also do you guys like the new cover?

Love you all! ❤️


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