Ep1 ~ P9

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Y/n's pov

I blinked as my eyes adjusted to the bright lights of the festival. Wednesday, Enid and I were standing in a line watching Tyler talk to his dad. I was in the middle, Wednesday to my left and Enid to my right.

"Are you sure you can trust that normie?" Enid asked.

"Enid, that's Tyler. I've known him for years." I sighed. "Of course, we can trust him." Tyler and his dad seemed to be arguing about something but they were too far away to hear. Tyler left Sheriff Galpin and walked toward us.

"Well good luck and safe travels." Enid opened her arms to hug Wednesday. He doesn't move an inch. "Still not a hugger."

"Bye Enid," I called as she walked away. "I'll meet you later." Wednesday and I turned around. His eyes narrowed when he noticed Principal Weems. He grabbed my wrist and dragged me to one of the games. Wednesday let go of me, picked up a dart, and threw it at one of the balloons.

He threw one after the other, not missing a single balloon. Xavier came up to the stand.

"Jeez, you get any better at this, you'll be taking home a whole pack," he said.

"Pandas don't travel in packs. They prefer solitude." Wednesday threw another dart.

"Solitude? That sounds so lonely." I leaned against the stand. The boys seemed to ignore me.

"Alright, Subtle hint taken," Xavier said.

"You should know I'm waiting for someone." Wednesday glanced at Xavier.

"Y/n?" Xavier asked. "She's right behind you." I rolled my eyes.

"No! I'm just keeping him company." I exclaimed.

"So who's the lucky girl... or guy." Xavier continued. I facepalmed.

"What does it matter to you?" Wednesday said. Tyler came up behind Wednesday and me.

"Didn't mean to interrupt," he said.

"You're not," Xavier said coldly and walked off.

"Tyler!" I said happily. I walked up to him and gave him a hug. Tyler smiled and returned the hug.

"This is going to be trickier than I thought," he said, pulling away. "Dad hit me with a curfew. We need to go if I'm gonna make it back in time."

I've got some dead weight I need to lose first." Wednesday peered over Tyler's shoulder to look at Principal Weems. "Meet me behind the parking lot when the fireworks start." Tyler gave a slight nod in response and left. I glanced over at Principal Weems. She smiled at me.

"You see that sad, lonely woman over there?" Wednesday told the man running the dart game. "She needs this pathetic validation more than I do. Would you mind distracting her?" Wednesday handed the man some money. The man walked over to Principal Weems and placed the panda on the table. The moment she looked at it. Wednesday quickly grabbed my wrist and dragged me away. He released me when Tyler came into view.

"Hey, before you leave, I wanted you to have this." Tyler handed Wednesday a file. "It's your dad's police file from when he was at Nevermore. I think it's the reason my dad hates him." Wednesday looked over the front of the file.

"You okay?" Tyler asked.

"I'm not used to people engaging with me." Wednesday looked up from the file. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"What about me?!" I was offended. Wednesday looked over at me.

"Most see me coming and cross the street," he continued. I blew some strands of hair out of my face.

"You're not scary. You're just kinda..." Tyler paused. "Kooky."

"I prefer spooky. Now my train leaves in an hour. We're burning moonlight." Wednesday walked past Tyler. Tyler and I followed.

"Uh, right i-" The three boys from the Weathervane appear out of nowhere. Each one carrying a bat. I let out a small gasp. I grabbed Wednesday's hand and pulled him backward.

"We can lose them in the crowd," Tyler said, leading us away. I looked over my shoulder. The three boys followed us. We started to run. Wednesday bumped into Rowan. His head shot up to face the sky. Tyler didn't seem to notice, he was too busy looking behind us. I put my hands on Wednesday's shoulders.

"Wednesday?" I whispered. Wednesday snapped out of his trance and looked me in the eye.

"Shit..." Tyler muttered. He grabbed Wednesday's shoulder. "We need to go." Wednesday stared at Rowan as he walked into the woods.

"Wednesday, come on," I said. Wednesday suddenly ran after Rowan.

"Rowan, come back!" he called.

"Wednesday!" I yelled. I started to run after him.

"Y/n!" Tyler called after me. I kept running. Damn, they were fast.

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