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"What about you and Karin?!?" she hit his chest in powerless punches. "You still had her with you!"
She was hurt by that! How fucking dare he??

His tall frame towered over her as he allowed her to get her frustrations out. She soon tired herself out. Slowing down her hits and catching her breath.

"I only had her with me for comfort, I-I swear it." His eyes were now deactivated grabbing her hands, & pulling her close to him, bringing her head into his chest, now understanding the frustrations.

She shoved him weakly and wept into his chest, crying her eyes out, but quietly, saddened by it all. "Sa-I need comforting too and I... I love him."

No! She couldn't have. "He's... gentle with me." NO! "He's... patient, he's... tender, he's... really... caring."
Oh God no! He could be those things too if only... she'd give him a chance to prove that, like right now!

"He accepts me, he healed me, he loves all of me." For a quick sec there his heart stopped beating. "I-I'm not in love with you anymore, I'm truly sorry."

Sasuke immediately came to his knees, placing his head on her waist, & wrapping his arms around her. "Please don't leave me! I can be all those things too!" His voice strained and his chest heaved, as the tears crept into his eyes. "Please! Just-just don't leave."

She tried to push him off her, but for the life of God, he didn't let go. "I thought you loved me." his tears began to stain her pelvis, as he spoke with huge hurt.

"Sasuke I will always love you, and you are my first love... but I don't." her head started to shake as her tears dried, finally realizing the true feelings she has for Lee.

"I don't have feelings for you anymore." With that being said he let her go & she quickly got on her things, leaving him there in the room without a trace. Being completely done with him.

He lowered onto his limbs and sadly stared at the ground, brokenhearted by the whole situation now.

Activating his rinnegan again to look at the portal Karin was in, shocked to see her cuddling up next to Suigetsu, thinking that she too would wait on him forever, but he was wrong, closing the portal making a pact to himself, vowing to never love again.
That night he drowned his sorrows in a bottle of hard liquor feeling like everyone that claims to love him would just end up leaving.

Well, unless Naruto. Sasuke abandoned the village leaving him with it, in fear of him getting stronger, & not needing him any longer.

Just like Itachi...

That was before he knew the truth abt everything.

Now understanding that Naruto just may be the only 1 that could deal with the darkness that was held deeply within himself & he could live with that.

His legs were wobbly finally feeling the alcohol take its effect as he stumbled across a tree slouching down drunkenly, leaning his head back against the branch, completely fed up with his life.

"Maybe I'm meant to be alone forever."

Sasuke continued to sit drifting off into a drunken slumber until he smelt that scent...

The lovely shy Hyuga's scent, getting up to see her walking thru the village.

Guess she needed to clear her head too.

He began following her like a thief in the night, making sure to stay hidden.

She seemed to be in deep thought.

While he watched her like a predator moving along behind the trees being sure to stay silent.

"I will make you mine!" he said to himself.

The family he always wantedWhere stories live. Discover now