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She turned her eyes away from him pulling out a container with some liquid in it. "W-Would you like some tea?" she avoided his gaze and hesitated to pour some into his cup. He told her yes and then she poured some into his cup. "I-I hope you like it..."

He devoured all 20 pieces of the tomatoes and it warmed her heart to see him eat it that fast and to enjoy it so much. She only saw Naruto eat that much and that fast whenever she cooked for him, well that was whenever she also didn't cook for Shino & Kiba that is. He said his final groan and began to drink the tea that she poured for him. Drinking it fast.

Finishing it in like 5 sips as if he quenched for thirst. This worried her a bit bc he ate her meal as if he'd been starving and drank her tea as if he'd never had a drink. She looked at him and waited for his judgment on her tea. "I don't like sweet things."

He sat the cup back down as she gasped.

"But I like this tea."

Even tho he said he liked it that still worried her.
"So sorry! I can make you something else next time."

He cut her off, making her squeal, pulling her in btwn his legs. "Hey... I said that I like this tea so quit apologizing." She was panicking again. "Sorry."

Sasuke wrapped his arms around her waist, hugging her, sticking his head in the crook of her neck so she could now feel his breath.

And this made her feel... a certain way.

She liked the feeling of being wrapped in his arms, his breath upon her neck, and the way that he held her, like a form of protection.

"Stop saying you're sorry." she couldn't help it bc she hated when she thought that she made anyone uncomfortable or upset. And that was how he was making her feel at the moment. "I-I'm sorry."

He got close to her ear. "You're... disobeying me... again." Her mouth opened but he placed a hand over it before she could apologize again.

But he just knew that she was apologizing to him in her head.

"Apologize again and I'll be sure to punish you." Once he saw that she nodded understanding what he was said, he removed his hand from her mouth.

It's been so long since she had a guy this close up and personal. But she still held anxiety due to what he said yesterday. "D-Didn't you say t-that you don't want m-me in-in-in your personal space l-like this?"

He was nonchalant abt it. "Yeah, so?" She tried to get up but his hold got tighter, gripping her like some big teddy bear he could never sleep without.

She started to move as her bottom grind against his crotch but she was just trying to get out of his space, his 'personal' space. Not wanting to disobey any of his wishes again but that just seemed to piss him off.

He shut his eyes for a hot second before opening them back up. "Stop moving." But she didn't listen. "You're disobeying me, yet again! And why are you so anxious?" His voice came off as mean & hateful.

Like he hated for her body to touch him and this only made the poor girl even more anxious, badly wanting him to let her go.

Her breast began jiggled under his arms as she grinded even more & he felt the pressure more than he did yesterday as he wasn't wearing his cloak this time. "Because you don't want me in your personal space. I'm not trying to disobey you."

He made a silent gasp biting his bottom lip.

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