That is Love

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OMG I didn't realized I haven't updated since December!! I'm so bad sorry :/

Thanks for the review: greys5ever!

Jo was throwing up in the girls' restroom. Morning sickness sucks.

"Don't be nervous," Stephanie said. "It's your first solo surgery...which I'll be gladly to take off your hands if you need me to."

"I'm not nervous..." Jo said, as she walked out of the stall and headed towards the sink.

"Then you better not be pregnant. If you let Karev throw a kid in there; I'll never forgive you." Crap.

"I'm not pregnant," she covered up quickly. "...and I'm not nervous; I know what I'm doing. Step one: medial dissection; step two: find the triangle of doom and avoid the iliac vain; step three-"

"-Puke." Jo gave her best friend a look. "Bailey is going to eat you alive."

"No she's not, because I'm a badass, because step three: lateral dissection; step four..." Damn what was it...oh yeah! "...identify triangle of pain. See? I'm going to do great! I'm not scared of little bitty Bailey." Jo was smiling until she heard a toilet flush. Then Dr. Bailey came out. Oh shit...Stephanie quickly left the room.

"Think you can turn on the faucet for me, Dr. 'Badass'..." She said to a shock Jo. "I would, but my hands are so 'itty bitty'." Jo didn't know if she was serious or not, so she moved her on to turn it on and Bailey slapped it out of the way. Yep, she wasn't serious.

Alex didn't have any surgeries today; so he just went over his post-ops. He kept looking at his watch. He was waiting for Jo's solo surgery to start. He purposely tried not to schedule any surgeries today so he wouldn't miss it. 1:55pm; it is almost time. Alex put up the tablet and started headed towards OR2. Right when he was about to head to the gallery, Arizona Robbins stopped him.

"Not now, Robbins-" he said kind of rude, but he was almost there.

"We have an emergency appendectomy on an eight-year-old right now in OR1."

"Can you just do it? It's just a one person-"

"Now, Karev...!" She responded and ran quickly. Karev sighed. Sorry, Jo. He really wanted to see her succeed...

Jo was scrubbing in and memorizing what to do at the same time. She didn't realize Bailey walked into the scrub room.

"Good afternoon, Dr. Badass," she said. Jo rolled her eyes. "Ready for your first solo surgery...?"

"Yes." She replied and went into the operating room and went over the procedure again in her head.

Halfway, through the procedure, Jo was doing great in her mind. Her stomach started rumbling, not from being hungry, from morning sickness. No...I am not going to puke. The puke came up to her mouth and she swallowed it and she tried to hide her disgusted face. One of the things she hates about pregnancy.

"Dr. Wilson," Bailey said while reading a magazine. "Are you going to take me though what you are doing?"

"I didn't know you wanted me to, I thought you were watching?"

"It's a 'solo' procedure, Wilson; I'm only supposed to help when it's needed, but I just finished my magazine so tell me."

"Ok, well, I just finished finding the triangle of doom and now I'm trying to avoid the iliac vain..."

I Will Love You, Unconditionally *JOLEX FANFIC* {book one}Where stories live. Discover now