The Waiting Game

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FOREWARNING: I never experienced birth nor the legitimates of it so this will be basically fiction...whoops?

Thanks to jeepernuts, Wayward_Fangirl, The_Missing_Marauder, FreeRein_HP & buecherxstorys for the comments!


Jo and Alex had arrived at the hospital within an hour or less after Jo's water broke. In those first couples of minutes when she arrived, she already was taken to a room, gown on and hooked up to machines like she was a science experiment. After an hour, Jo was becoming impatiently in pain.

"Ugh," Jo screamed as another contraction appeared. She squeezed Alex's hand really (painfully) tightly. "Can she come any faster?!?" She let go of his hand. Alex was wincing in pain.

"Hopefully," Alex said flipping his hand back and forth to get feeling back. "I don't think my hand can handle any more of that..."

"Then you push our child, Alex!"

"I kinda wish I was..." he mumbled. Jo gave him a look. " you didn't have to be in pain!"

"Sorry, babe..." Jo said, almost crying. "I just wish it didn't hurt to bring a life into this world." Alex stroke her hand and kissed the top of her head.

"I know...I would bring her if I could..."

"Boy, you wouldn't either."

"That's true." she giggled slightly but winched in pain.


"Six centimeters," the nurse said.

A few hours passed and Jo was no longer having it. "I want an epidural," she said as calmly as she can.

"We can't do that-" the nurse started to say, before getting interrupted by the impatient mother-to-be.

"GIVE. ME. THE. FUCKING. EPIDURAL!" The tiny brunette screamed at the top of her lungs.

"Sorry, m'am; I can't." The nurse was getting a little scared now.

"Jo. It'll be fine you'll be strong you always are," Alex comforted her by caressing her hair.

"Alex...I can't do it," She cried with tears streaming down her face. "It hurts so much!"

"I know, baby...but you're going to be fine and be really good at it."

"Shut it, Karev!" Alex threw his hands up in defense and did what his girlfriend said.


"CAN I PUSH PLEASE," Jo screamed at the top of her lungs. The nurse started checking her.

"You're nine centimeters," she replied. Jo grunt in defeat.

"At least we're close..." Alex tried to be positive. Jo just gave him a death glare.

"I'm gonna let the doctor know that you're close," the Nurse left the room to do so.

"I SWEAR-" Jo scoffed. "I'm sorry for yelling Alex...I really am."

"It's okay, I understand." He half-smiled and kissed her forehead.


"You're ready to push," The doctor confirmed.

"Thank you, baby Jesus!" Jo exclaimed.


Alex and Jo nodded.

Soooo short and soooo cliffhanging and sorry if its writer's block needs to end and not last for 500 years -upside down face here-

I Will Love You, Unconditionally *JOLEX FANFIC* {book one}Where stories live. Discover now