Anirudh's entrance test

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Anirudh and Bondita were invited by sarpanch to his house to stay safe from storm where they learns Anmol's sad past and about her mentally ill daughter.

~In Anmol's house~

Pinky shares her dolls with Bondita. While Bondita, comforts her.

It's 6 am. Anirudh reminds of his entrance test.

A servant comes there and tells them that breakfast is ready.

Anmol: Pinky, food is ready. Shall I bring it here?

Pinky: Hn, baba. Bring it for Bondita also.

She smiled, Anmol's eyes filled with tears.

Bondita: I didn't even took bath. Pinky, wait for me. I will be back soon.

Pinky: Where are you going? Don't go please.

Bondita: I will come back after taking bath. You stay here.

She smiled and came out. Devu took Anirudh and Bondita to their room.

~In Room~

Bondita: Pati babu, I feel so pity for her.

Anirudh: Hn, Bondita. No child should suffer like this in this world.

Bondita: Bomb blast is the reason for her condition. Why they are so reckless? Why they want to kill people with bombs? Can't it be stopped?

Anirudh: Everything will come to normal only if we get freedom.

Bondita: How to get it?

Anirudh's eyes widened.

Bondita: Tell me, pati babu. I will also fight for our freedom hereafter. I don't want another pinky to evolve in our Hindustan. Because of fights between elders, kids are only suffering a lot.

Anirudh: Bondita, I am just speechless now on seeing your courage. But getting freedom is not so easy. We have to fight, we have to sacrifice, we have to unite.

Bondita thinks on.

Anirudh: Okay, now. Go and take bath.

Bondita nodded and went inside the bathroom. Meanwhile, Anirudh prepares his files for the test.

Anirudh: How will I go out now? I can't take Bondita with me as it is heavily raining but at the same time I can't miss this entrance test.

He thinks on. "Pinky", he said with a wide smile.

Anirudh: Okay, I got the way. I will leave Bondita with Pinky. This is the only way. I will also inform sarpanch ji about this.

He nodded and rushed out to meet sarpanch.

Anmol is in hall lisenting to the radio.

Anirudh: Sarpanch, ji!

He looks at him.

Anirudh: Sarpanch ji, I need a help from you. Please help me.

Anmol: Yeah, what you want?

Anirudh explains him everything.

Anmol: So you are not here to attend the puja?

Anirudh nods no.

Anmol: Any way, the puja is cancelled due to storm.

Anirudh: Really?!

He asked in excitement.

Anmol: Hn, now only i listened to the news in radio.

Anirudh: Thank God, now it will be easy to convince Bondita.

Anmol: Why don't you tell the truth to your wife?

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