Anirudh gets an Idea

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Bondita is worried about her damaged mangalsutra. Anirudh tries to console her.

~In Anmol's house~

Devu comes to guest room with tea and biscuit.

Devu: Saab, sarpanch ji is calling you.

Anirudh: Hn, I am coming. Bondita you eat this. I will come soon, stop worrying for stupid things.

He said and walked out. Bondita worries.

~In Hall~

Anirudh: Sarpanch ji, you called me.

Anmol: Anirudh, what happened to your exam? You wrote it well?

Anirudh: Hn, I did it well but...

Anmol: But what? Any problem, tell to me I will resolve it.

Anirudh: I think no one can resolve it.

Anmol looks at him. Anirudh explains him everything.

Anmol: What?! Now how will you get admission?

Anirudh: I don't know, I am really confused sarpanch ji. Barrister degree is my dream. It was my mom's dream too. I have to fulfill it anyhow.

Anmol: Then what about your wife?

Anirudh glares.

Anmol: Whatever you do but never think of something that will hurt your wife.

Anirudh: I am really confused, sarpanch ji. I cannot give up this opportunity. This exam comes only in 4 years. What will I do now? How will I handle Kaka? What will I tell to Bondita? Oh Durga maa...

Anmol: Anirudh, calm down. Calm down! I know you are confused now but you should not take any decisions now. It may go wrong. You have given your exams only now. You have time until results.

Anirudh: Sarpanch ji, results will be declared day after tomorrow. I got only one day, within that I must do something. I am sure I will pass this test.

Anmol: How you are so sure?

Anirudh: I have worked lot for this. From the day I completed my 12th std, I am studying for this exam. I know, I will pass in this.

Anmol looks on.

Anirudh: Why Durga ma is giving troubles to me alone?

Anmol: Don't speak like this, Anirudh. You cannot blame god for your disabilities. You chose this path, so you only have to face everything. Think well and take decision.

Anirudh nodded.

Anmol: Now go take rest.

Anirudh: Ji!

He said and walks away from there.

~In pinky's room~

Pinky is reading her books. Bondita comes there.

Pinky: Bondita, come here. I have to show you something.

Bondita smiled and went to her.

Pinky: Look, my books. Will you please tell me stories from this?

Pinky gives the book to Bondita.

Bondita: Book?

She gets it with a passionate eyes. She draws her finger upon the page with an emotinal smile.

Pinky: Please, tell me story from this book.

Bondita: You know to read and write?

Pinky: Han, somewhat. I go to school rarely. Most of the time my baba only will teach me.

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