अ Se?

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Anirudh and Bondita went out together to shop clothes and slates for girls in home. Meanwhile Bondita saw the same mystery person looking at Anirudh in Bazaar.

Whereas, Devi is eagerly waiting for Bondita in ashram.

~In Ashram~

Devi: Why this girl didn't returned yet? What is she doing in Haveli? Did anyone found her truth or she herself exposed everything?

She waits in the gate way. Bondita enters the ashram first because Anirudh is busy speaking with a man.

Devi gets excited on seeing Bondita. Bondita ran and hugged her.

Devi: Arey! What happened?

Bondita: I am so happy today, Devi. So happy....

Devi: Tell me the reason of your happiness, first.

Bondita: I am happy as well as guilt.

Devi: Stop confusing me. Tell me what happened? You went behind that pandit na have find anything?

Bondita: Hn, i found everything. Everything!

Devi: Means?

Bondita is about to say but Anirudh enters in. She became silent.

All the girls rose up and greeted him.

Anirudh: Namaste! Sit down please.

Pratha: Barrister Babu, we thought that you would not come today as it is your wife's shrad puja.

Anirudh: Yeah but I am here not to take classes but to give you new clothes along with a special surprise.

Navya: Finally, today we found the reason behind our Home's name. Bondita is your wife hn na Barrister Babu?

Bondita and Devi looks on. Anirudh nodded.

Malika: Are you alright now, Barrister Babu? Huh, i mean we are devasted on the events that had happened today morning. If Anita were not there na then think what would have happened!

Bondita blushed.

Anirudh: Okay now come one by one and get the clothes. First, little ones!

Girls went in line to get the clothes along with dress Anirudh gave them slates and chalk.

They all are so excited on seeing it.

Pratha: This is slate right? I have seen this only with boys. But today i am holding it in my hands. Thank you so much Barrister Babu.

Malika: Hn, she is right. You are doing lots of things for us, we don't what we are going to give you in return.

"Achieve", Bondita and Anirudh said in chorus.

He at once looked at her.

Bondita: In this men dominating society, our Barrister Babu is different. He just want girls achievement in this society.

Anirudh is stunned.

Navya: Sure, surely we will achieve one day.

Everyone said the smile. Anirudh smiled.

Anirudh: Acha, theek hain. You all take rest today, let's continue our class tomorrow.

He said and went from there. Girls went to their rooms.

~In room~

Devi: Bondita, you was about to say something right? What is it? What did you found?

Bondita explains everything that had happened. Devi is stun shocked.

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