Bondita or Anirudh?

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Bondita was worried on hearing to Devi's phone call regarding her dis interest in marriage.

Anirudh: What happened Bondita? What did she told?

Bondita: It's just as I expected, pati babu. She is not interested in this marriage. She loves Batuk a lot. She is asking for my help.

Anirudh thinks on.

Bondita: What will I do now? How will I help her?

Anirudh: You need not worry, I will find some way to help her. For sure, she will get married with Batuk.

Bondita: Whatever you plan for, please do it quickly. We have only one week left.

Anirudh: Hn.

Anirudh thinks on. Bondita worries about it.

Anirudh: Idea!

Bondita: What is it?

Anirudh: Why can't we kidnap Batuk and arrange for the marriage?

Bondita: Ahen??! Pati babu, are you serious? Why should we kidnap Batuk? He is already your brother.

Anirudh: Yeah, he is my brother. Why should I kidnap him? After all he too loves Devi. What happened to my mind?

Bondita: Haha... I think you also should eat this tablet.

Anirudh: Oh?! Accha Bondita... Instead of mocking me, give me some plan if you can. Atleast I am giving some dumb plans, you are not even thinking of it. Chalo, you think. I'll listen.

He sits on chair with folded hands and looks at Bondita. Bondita looks side to side by bowed down face.

Anirudh: Bolo na, Bondita. Why you are blinking like a small kid?

Bondita: Pati babu, wait. Give me some time to think. If you speak like this continuously then how will my mind work?

Anirudh: Hn... Now you understood huh? Same way to me also! You asked me to think but kept on speaking. If I do the same with you then you are shouting at me. I heard from a road side drama and they are right it seem. "Wives are Raksashi".

Bondita: Whaat?! Raksashi? Me? Pati babu, now a days you are scolding me everytime. You are fighting with me everytime. I will complain to my appa.

Anirudh: Oye helo, Madam. You only started first. Now you are blaming me. Accha, I understood. This is your home and you are taking advantage of it.

Bondita stares at him with big big round eyes.

Anirudh: Hn, hn, your stares can't scare me. I have seen this many time. Try something new.

Bondita walks furiously to bench and took out his purse.

Anirudh: Oh you are going to bribe me with money? But it won't work. You know, I am the only loyal lawyer in India. One and Only Loyal Barrister Anirudh Roy Chaudhary...!

Bondita: Come on, let's have a toss. If it's an heads then you have to make a plan. If not, then I will.

Anirudh: Accha, Bondita. After a long time, your brain is working. That's nice!

Bondita: Stop mocking, for sure I will win in this. Then I will tease you for every plan you make.

Anirudh: How you are so sure that you will win?

Bondita: I know. I am born to win.

Anirudh: Talk less work more! Now toss it, let's see. If head's then you will make a plan, if not then I will. Deal should be deal. You should change it afterwards.

Bondita: Hn, hn deal. Wait... You changed the words. I said if heads then you.

She is about to toss the coin but he stopped her.

Anirudh: Wait, give me the coin I'll toss it. You may cheat.

Bondita: Why should I cheat?

Anirudh: Because you are Badmash Bondita! Give me the coin.

He grabs the coin from her. And prepares to toss it. Bondita closed her eyes and prays that heads should come.

He tossed it and caught it in his hands. He slowly opened it to look the result. It is Tails, which means Bondita should make a plan.

Anirudh looks at it and then her face.

Bondita: Is it over pati babu? I won right? You have to make plans right?

He changed his hand upside down, Bondita opened her eyes.

Bondita: What is it, show me.

She curiously opened it. It is Heads.

Bondita: Yaayyyy....!!! I told ya know pati babu. Look, it's heads. You only have to plan now. I am born to win.

She smiles brightly on winning the toss.

Anirudh thinks: And I am born to make you win, Bondita.

He smiles.

Bondita: Acha, now take your time. Make a best plan. Let's go and rescue Devi from there. Then our family's marriage vibes will start.

Anirudh nods.

Bondita: Yaay... After a long, we are going to have a function in our family. I am so excited...!

They two smile on each other.

What will happen next?

Just stay tuned to know about it!❤️

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