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Y/n- (I changed and came back. I took slow steps. Oppa gently pull me and make me sit on the bed)

Yoongi- princess I wanna talk to you...

Y/n- uh okay...

Yoongi- look, I punished you cause I worry for you and I even have the rights. I'm your brother but what I did at last wasn't fine. I forced you to strip. That's not in my hands. That's you. I'm sorry...

Y/n- hey! It's fine. You're my brother.

Yoongi- that's correct but I harassed you, if you want then file a case against me. I'll quit everything. I sexually harassed you. That's not right. Even a brother doesn't have that rights.

Y/n- what are you saying oppa? File a case against you? No way, I can't hurt you oppa. Ik when you punish me it hurts you more than me but my activities force you to punish me. I understand.

Yoongi- I understand but remember if anyone does these kinds of things you can share with me and file a case against that person. If you feel even a little bit uncomfortable then you should complain right away. You know what all things happen today, especially with girls. If you don't like my touch or something at any point of time, tell me. I'll understand... Hmm!...

Y/n- yes oppa I understand...

Yoongi- is the pain fine babygirl?

Y/n- n-no it hurts.. but I'll manage...

Yoongi- you don't have to. Stand up pls... (She did. I put her infront of me, I slowly turned her. I flipped her skirt and applied ointment slowly. She hissed in pain. I fix her panty & skirt)

Y/n- it hurts oppa...

Yoongi- sorry... (Mumbled)

Yoongi- wait here untill I come.
I'm back..
(I made her sit on my lap softly as I know when she'll sit it would hurt her. I aimed her sitting spot the most while I spanked her)

Yoongi- babygirl can you remove your top?

Y/n- uh Uhm o-ok (I took it off. Oppa pointed to my undergarment. I shyly took it off. He smiled assuring me he won't do anything wrong)

Yoongi- Can I? (She nodded)
(I put ice cubes on her breasts. I massaged them for a while but this whole time y/n was jumping a bit)

Yoongi- why were you jumping princess? You felt uncomfortable?

Y/n- no not that but you know when someone touches you waist or private parts it feels kinds ticklish and weird so that's why...

Yoongi- uh alright! Rest now wanna sleep?

Y/n- n-no I am hungry.

Yoongi- oh yeah it's dimmer time... Wait I'll do something.
(I order her fav food)

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