sick pt 2

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I had an urge to pee but, My fever. Yes I've fever, my temperature is really high, but I don't wanna tell yoongi oppa. He'll give me injections. From a few days I'm feeling pain in my breast too. Uhhh... The pressure is getting so bac. I really wanna pee rn. It's been an hr.
Suddenly dad come in.

Dad- y/n, princess you okay?

Y/n- N-no dad,  I feel like fever. And also my breast is paining from a few days ...

Dad- oh my!

Dad touch my fore head. Oh no, what did I just do! Now he'd call yoongi oppa!

Soon oppa came with his bag!

Yoongi- y/n!? Fever?

Y/n- yes oppa, b-but-

Yoongi- hmm? What happened!?

Y/n- I wanna use the washroom so bad but I aren't able to stand up. It's been more than an hr.

Yoongi- uh, come.

Oppa pick me up as he placed me inside the washroom. He stood there as I said -

Y/n- oppa, leave pls...

Yoongi- y/n come on, don't be stubborn. Your burning. Now do your buisness fast and come. You need treatment baby

Y/n- B-but- (cutt off)

Yoongi- don't be shy! Uhmm.. okay I won't do anything. I'm covering my eyes okay?

After sometime

Y/n- done oppa! (Low)

Yoongi- let's go.

Oppa took me up as he layed me on the bed. He checked my temperature but it was normal, oppa was shocked.

Yoongi- your temperature it's normal but your burning! (Tensed)

Dad- she was breathing from her mouth!

Yoongi POV

Soon as dad said this, now I've to take her temperature rectically and she is so shy! Gosh...

I flip her skirt and took her panties off her legs.

Yoongi- baby, lift your hips up.

Y/n- o-oppa no not this pls...

She quickly covered her ass. She always tests my patience. Till this time Everyone was in room. Namjoon held her hands  as hobi hugged her. Jin hyung was distracting her by making joker faces. I inserted the thermometer. It sure made her uncomfortable but she co-operated. After like 6-7 mins the thermometer beeped and the temperature was 104°F. So high!

Hobi- hyung is it too high?

I showed him the thermometer.

Jin- give me, I'll wash it.

I nodded. I washed my hands as I put y/n down. Her head was in Namjoon's lap. Appa was holding her hands as now I'm gonna give her injections. 2 injections. I rub the alcohol pad on her right butt cheek as I injected, she screamed. I rubbed it and bandaged it. Same with left one.

Y/n- ahh oppa!...

Namjoon- let him wash his hands. I'll do.

I went to wash my hands while Namjoon rubbed her injected areas.

Yoongi- Hobi your friend, you said na that he's an Gyanecologist?

Hobi- yes hyung he is, infact the top most Gyanecologist is South Korea and also 2nd most popular in the world.

Dad- yeah, good. Call him fast.

Jin- but why Gyanecologist? For y/n?

Yoongi- yes!

Here namjoon.was rubbing y/n's butt while Hobi talks to his friend.


Hobi- hello?

??- hey bro, what's up?

Hobi- Im okay Ice but are you free rn?

Ice- yes bro, I am. Why what happened?

Hobi- actually my younger sister is having some trouble.

Ice- alright, message me the adress of your house, I'm comin.

Hobi- yea thankyou! (Hung up)

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