I don't wanna talk about this

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Later that day at the evening everyone was down as they were talking about something.

Y/n- crap! (Clutch her stomach out of pain)

Jin- what's wrong? (Worried)

Y/n- nothin!

Yoongi- y/n just say it!

Y/n- you don't have to know.

Dad- is it your cramps.?

Y/n- uhh... I told you, you need not interfere. It's girls problem let me deal with it.

Hobi- hey! Calm, it's just perio- (cut off)

Y/n- for my sake stop saying that freaking work. Just call it that month of time, rather don't call it.

Namjoon- enough! Just shut up and what is the problem with you? We will interfere cause we have rights. And there is a freking word periods for it. So just say it.  (Slight angry)

Yoongi- and you have to say it. Be open minded. And we care. Just stop with your shyness and share your problems! (Slight angry)

Dad- boys! It's okay, calm off...

Hobi- but dad, it's not okay!

Dad- yes I know son, I know. Just wait.

Jin- appa pls-

Dad- get her stuff here!

Dad- y/n, look at me! (Soft)

Y/n- y-yes dad?

Dad- come here.


Appa picked me up setting me on his lap. As I face him, he kissed my forehead.

Dad- look, don't be shy. It's natural. And we are thankful you know? If your periods won't exist then we won't be alive. You can't be pregnant without periods. And this pain, if you won't handle tell us, Inform us. We'd try our level best to help us. We will give you hot things, rub your belly, massage your body, and maybe pain killers. Hmm?

Y/n- B-but dad! Who will do it?

Dad- should I? (Smile)

Y/n- are you sure?

Dad- ofc! Let's go to your room. It's your time to change your tampon too. Come on.

Y/n- but dad, these cramps... (Pout)

Hobi- aww! It's okay baby. Let me make you something. Namjoon come with me. (Left)

Dad- yoongi come with me.

Dad picked me up in his arms as we went to my room. Jin oppa had already set up everything.

Yoongi- hyung it's okay, I'll do.

Jin- appa, I will wait outside.

Y/n- oppa don't go pls. I want you.

Jin- alright. (Smile)

Oppa sat beside me. He held my hand while yoongi oppa separated my legs. My skirt automatically went up as my p__sy was visible directly to appa. I blushed, appa just smiled.

Flipping my skirt all over, as appa pulled the tampon string. He was very gentle but still it hurted cause it was dry one. Whining a bit, as appa managed to take it out. Inserting a new one by his hands as now we were all done. He washed his hands as oppa let me relax.

Y/n- oppa a new skirt pls!

Yoongi- new skirt? But your skirt didn't get dirty.

Y/n- but I have this feeling. Everytime I change, I wanna change my skirt to avoid infection.

Jin- okay okay!

Oppa gave me a skirt as he made me wear it too. Again no underwear! I went up as I sat on the bed hugging yoongi oppa. As I hugged him my skirt went up from my behind. Yoongi oppa spanked my butt as.I yelped abit.

Y/n- ahh, oppa!

Yoongi- cause of your periods doesn't mean I can't smack you, I can it's just I don't want to cause you handle too much pain.

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