sick pt 3

496 8 0

Soon hobi's friend Ice reached there.

Ice - hey! Oh, good evening sir! (Bow)

Dad- hi kid!

Ice - hobi, you told me about your sister, where is she?

Hobi- there. On the bed.


Hobi oppa's friend came. He sat on the bed callin me. As he talked to me.

Ice- hey, y/n right!?

Y/n- h-hi sir!

Ice- have you read about the relation of abc in maths?

Y/n- uh, yes.

Ice- can you tell me what is it?

Y/n- if a=b, b=c then a=c.

Ice- so, a is you, b is your hobi oppa and c is me. So if you are = to hobi oppa, N I'm his friend, what am I to you?

Y/n- uhmm, oppa?

Ice- yes, good job sweetheart! (Smile and hi fied her)

Ice- now sweetheart I'm sorry but you have choose any two to stay with you.

Y/n- but, why! ? (Pout)

Ice- because would a grown up girl like you will like that someone sees her body? Huh? Tell me---....

Y/n- N-no, uhm, yoongi and J-jin oppa!

Ice- okay fine. But you have to show me your body. Cause if u won't how will I treat you? And if I can't treat you your dad and brothers will be sad na.

Y/n- y-yes oppa. I'll try my level best to co-operate with you.

Ice- good girl! (Smile)

I smiled at him too.

Namjoon- do doubt his South Korea's best Gyanecologist, specially for girl childs. (Whisper)

Ice- did I just hear my praise?

Dad- oh gosh, such a kid.

Ice- I'm just 24 sir!

Dad- yeah yeah, kids now let's go out. (Left)

Ice- okay so first tell where is it paining?

Y/n- m-my breast and v-vagina. Even my legs and abdomen hurt alot.

Ice- first of all calm down. Don't panic okay? I'm just like your brother friend okay? Give me a hi fi!?

I gave him a hi fi as we both smiled at eachother.

Ice- k, fine! Did you just started or ended on your menstrual cycle?

Y/n- it just ended yesterday.

Ice- m-hmm... So... You must be feeling free right now!

Y/n- yes oppa!

Yoongi- what yes? Don't you have fever?

Ice- oh my, this little girl has fever? Poor baby!

Sayin this he caressed my hair.

Ice- y/n I would need to take your clothes off, can you do that?

Y/n- u-uh, I- (cut off)

Ice- see don't be uncomfortable I'm also your brother, I'm your doctor know? And why will I do anything? Hmm? So pls? After all, Ik you've a sexy body that you're saving for your bf.

Y/n- oppa! (Pout)

He laughed looking at my face. I was about to take my clothes off but that injections makes me sleep. also it was hurting abit.

Jin- let me help you.

Oppa helped me as I took all my clothes off. I layed down as I was feeling very shy.

Ice- don't be shy cute girl. Open your legs, pls?

I spread my legs apart. Oppa checked it as he touch me there. It felt ticklish though. Examining that part, he said-

Ice- have you ever been assaulted?

Y/n- uhm, y-es..

Tears started forming in my eyes. Yoongi oppa hugged me as I was laying my head on his lap.

Yoongi- a few months back.

Ice- did you consult a doctor before?

Yoongi- I suggested but y/n wasn't in a state of mind. She used to complain that her private part bleeds at times and her breast hurts more than usual.

Ice- hmm...well, it's common. Y/n, would you allow me treat you?

I simply nodded as he proceeded with his work. A nice person though. He is actually a top level doctor. He distracts me at times, talks playfully and works perfectly at the same moment.

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