sick pt4

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Ice- hmm, gosh y/n, how strong are you?

Y/n- I'm not!

Ice- ofc you are, handling an assault is a big deal.

Y/n- oh well- hmm..

Ice- come one, don't be sad now. Anyways, turn around, I've to giev you injections.

Y/n- aww again! (Pout)

Ice- acha, okay, come here

Oppa hugged me.

Y/n- oppa but I'm scared of injections, it hurts...

Jin- aiyo! Come to me.

Jin oppa sat on the bed as I layed my head on his lap, hiding my face with my hands.

Yoongi- y/n, baby turn around.

I turned around. Yoongi oppa held my hands so I couldn't move.

Ice- you already got shots for fever! Sad life.


I started preparing  injection. There are 4 of them. I suppose how will she handle so much? But I still have to give her so ease her pain and other things.

After I was done preparing it, I slowly took of the bandages she had before on her tush.

Ice- so uhm hyung? You a doctor too right?

Yoongi- yes I am.

Ice- so I've to get her 4 injections. 2 on left and 2 on right. So what if we both inject 2 at the same time. It would be done in less time and also reduce a bit amount of pain. What do you say?

Yoongi- fine idea. This is a trick I used 2 years back but now I don't. Hyung, hold her hands pls or she's gonna trouble us.

Y/n- sorry oppa!

Ice- you don't have to be.

Me and hyung, we took 1-1 injections in our hands and injected at the same time. It was light does so y/n didn't scream loud. But now the two left are heavy does. Still we injected it as y/n cried. It look  long time. Y/n was wiggling which may cause the needle to break.

Ice- sweetie don't move.

Yoongi- y/n, baby, stop moving. The needle might break.

After sometime time, we were all done. I went to wash my hands and dispose the needle off, and hyung bandaged her butt.

Soon as I returned she was laying on hyung's lap, with her butt turned upwards. Is he going to spank her or something?

Yoongi- I've told you a number of time that don't move but you don't listen to me.

Y/n- s-sorry oppa, it just hurts so much.

Yoongi- baby I know it hurts, but you've to take it na.

With that hyung started spanking her. Oh no,


Ice- hyung, don't spank that little child.

He ignored me, how rude.


Y/n was screaming by 15 harsh spanks. Her butt was so red.

Yoongi- my baby! You know I'm strict with you so you can be a good person. I hope you understand.

Y/n- oppa, I I do. Sorry!

Ice- y/n, baby take care of yourself hmm? And yes wear as tight dress as you can for atleast 2 days okay? I know it would be uncomfortable but it can reduce your pain. Understand?

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