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Yoongi- show me your weekly report...

Y/n- (I was scared but I took small steps towards him)

Yoongi- come here! (I made her sit on my lap)

Yoongi- is something happening at school? Do you have a crush or a boyfriend? You can tell me... (Softest tone)

Y/n- uh oppa I do have a b-boyfriend...

Yoongi- ok!

Y/n- m-my those days were skipped last month. I talked to my friend she is older than me. She told me it'll be fine...

Yoongi- so you took a pregnancy test?

Y/n- yeah! And it came negetive When I talked to her she said it will be fine and I'll get it next month.

Yoongi- ok? Why didn't you tell me? You know your too young. This all feelings are common in teenagers. I've been through it. You could tell me. And why you hesitate to say periods, this word?

Y/n- it's just embarrassing and I don't want to talk about it...

Yoongi- ok not with others but with me?

Y/n- hmmm...but afterall ur a boy. (Mumbled)

Yoongi- sorry? Ik I am a boy but I'm your brother. Ik I can't be a mother to you but maybe a father?

Y/n- no you are the best. That was the only time I felt I needed my mom's help but you gave me the love of the whole family. I felt lucky that I don't have my parents but I have a brother who can be my mom my dad my everything...

Yoongi- (smile. I ruffle her hair)

Yoongi- ok I'll arrange an tutor for you ok?

Y/n- o-ok but oppa my relationship…..

Yoongi- you can have it continued but pls don't get all that issue and a baby. But promise me this won't effect your studies will it?

Y/n- no I'll try my best... and oppa I'm a bit weak at geography, civics & chemistry.

Yoongi- fine... (I hugged her)

Next day. The bell rang and a man came and sat on the sofa.

Yoongi- will you mind if I come in a second? (He nodded)

Yoongi- princess?

Y/n- hmm... (From the kitchen)

Yoongi- pls stay in your room till I call you...

Y/n- okay! (I went upstairs)

Yoongi- you may take your mask off now namjoon...

Namjoon- yeah... So she's your sister?

Yoongi- yes! And you need to teach her chemistry, geography and civics... 

Namjoon- yes I can do that. But you know I give punishments if you answer wrong then I correct them...

Yoongi- Ik but just don't be too harsh...

Namjoon- I'll try but I'll need to if she does anything wrong.

Yoongi- ok! Deal.. y/n come down...

Y/n- yes oppa?

Yoongi- meet him! He'll be your tutor.

Y/n- oh Uhm afternoon sir. (Bow)

Namjoon- afternoon honey! I'm Namjoon and you?

Y/n- My name's y/n

Namjoon- nice name! (I patted her head. She smiled)

Namjoon- I may take my leave now. Have a nice day... (Left)

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