it got stuck!

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It was morning as I woke up shot getting my eyes opened. I was in dad's arms that's when I realised I got early periods. Oh no. I tried getting appa's hand of my waist as I went to the washroom. But it is Appa's room. Shoot what do I do now? That's when I heard Jin oppa's voice. I had no choice but to tell him.

I opened the door slightly as I grab his hand and pulled him inside.

Jin-ahhh, what are you doing y/n!

Y/n- shhh.... Oppa! I uhm, need your help... (low)

Jin- yes? What happened?

Y/n- c-can you p-pls bring me t-t-tampons f-from my w-washroom. (Embarrassed as I looked down)

He put his index finger under my chin as he made me look at him. He smiled as she spoke softly -

Jin- y/nahh...don't be embarrassed hmm? I'm there. Wait here, I'll bring you tampons.

After a while Jin gave y/n her tampons, and clothes. She took a shower and done her work. After that for proper freshing up she went to her own room.


Y/n- good morning oppa and appa!

Yoongi- morning baby!

Dad- here all your breakfast. Come have it.

At the table. He made salad as hobi told him to do so.

Y/n- ahhh appa not this pls....

Dad- why! Eat it. It's good for you.

Y/n- I do everything but not today pls.

Yoongi- y/n tomorrow okay? Eat now.

Y/n ate it anyways.

At afternoon. Y/n had to change but her cramps were troubling her get up. She was in her room lying on her bed.

Hobi and Namjoon came in her room. Jin already told everyone about y/n periods.

Hobi sat beside y/n as he spoke

Hobi- you okay?

Y/n nodded slowly. She really just didn't feel alright. That's when she remembered that she had to change her tampon but her cramps were troubling her.
She tried to get up but fell back.

Hobi- what happened? Where do you wanna go?

Y/n- w-washroom... (Shy)

Namjoon- you could have just said that!

Hobi pick y/n up as she took her to the washroom.

Hobi- if you need anything call us.


Uh I'm here but I can't even walk. How am I suppose to change! God!

Namjoon POV

Suddenly we heard a collapse sound from the bathroom. Even dad came in the room.

Dad- what was that sound?

Hobi- I think y/n fell.

Dad- and where is she.?

Namjoon- w-washroom...

Dad- the hell!

Not caring about anything dad opened the door.

Hobi- w-what if she's w-without clothes!

Dad- she's my daughter, not like I haven't seen her without clothes.

Carrying her back to the room as he layed her down on the bed.

Dad- what's wrong? Did you have to change? (Worried)

Y/n- a-appa I actually had t-to take m-my t-tam- (cut off)

Dad- it's okay! Let me call your yoongi oppa! Since he's the one you're most comfortable with.

Y/n- B-but he'd be angry if he gets to know that I fell.

Dad- so? He is not wrong.

Appa called yoongi as hyung came.

Yoongi- my baby? What's wrong? (Worried)

Yoongi POV

Dad never calls me so desperately. After I came they told me y/n fell. My anger was rising up cause she is not taking care of herself. But cause of her periods, I'm not punishing her now.

She told she needed my help to remove her tampon.

Yoongi- all of you pls wait outside and Namjoon you stay here and help me.

Everyone went out as now only me, y/n and Namjoon were there.

Yoongi- skirt and pantie off!

Y/n- B-but!

Namjoon- you shut up and do what he asks you to! (Strict)

Y/n- I'm not even able to move. Sorry...

I sighed as I went near her. I kiss her forehead and Started removing her skirt and panty! Quickly covering her p__sy as she was embarrassed.

Yoongi- y/n take your hands off. Let me see... I won't hurt you I promise. Remember when you were younger? I once took off your tampon! So why embarrassed now? (Smile)

I comforted her as she took her hands off keeping them on her stomach. I held her legs apart as I signed namjoon to remove her tampon.

Namjoon- baby! Shall I?

Y/n- p-pls...

Namjoon POV

I slowly open her vaginal lips as the string of her tampon was somewhere inside it. I insert my 2 fingers inside as I found the string. As soon as I started pulling the string she said -

Y/n- o-oppa, it's hurting...

Namjoon- sweetie it's a dry one. Pls stay still okay?

I pulled out the bloody tampon as I threw it and washed my hands. I brought a new tampon inserting it inside with my hand cause idk how to use the applicator. After the work was done I washed my hands as hyung let y/n relax her legs and hands. We both hugged her.

Y/n- g-give m-me my c-clothes (shy)

Both- ooo someone is shy!

Y/n- oppa! Pls...

I give her a skirt.

Y/n- p-panties too!

Yoongi- no. You've a habit to wedgie yourself from front, maybe that's why your tampon string gets inside your p__sy.

Y/n- but what if the skirt flips!

Yoongi-it's AC not fans.

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