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🔮 play 'someone you loved' by Lewis Capaldi

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🔮 play 'someone you loved' by Lewis Capaldi

You guys know that feeling , when a truck filled with memories - mostly which give us heartache - hit us badly? And let alone escaping it , we aren't able to even see it coming cuz of its swift speed?

Memories which make us regret for our past actions . memories which make us uneasy. Make us mourn . Make us weep . Make us want to pull our hair . Memories which spark horrendous fire inside us , which causes our insides to burn. Which causes us wanting to either hurt ourselves, or scream soo badly that our throat will rip apart.

Some memories are so pleasant that you want to experience them again .

But some are so brutal, which literally makes our soul cry...

The Same truck, which was coming towards tira , burning with those brutal horrifying memories , sneakily hit her soo badly that now she's kneeling down infront of a cemetery.

Their are no expression , no emotions , nothing could be seen on her face. Her eyes are same as the rivers in drought. Empty and cracked.

Although Her face is void of any facial expressions , her soul is mourning , weeping , bawling and what not. She could feel the burn , the pain and the way her emotions are choking her with the intention of coming out. But she herself refused to even let a tear rolled down her cheeks. Or even to let a moan scape her mouth - due to the painful things she's feeling - she cried enough. She Don't wanna cry anymore and look weak infront of everyone.

But she can't help it. 

She tried to stop the flood of emotions, which is trying hard to flow down through her eyes. She tried hard to control the sob she's holding since she came back here. She tried really very hard , not to look at the name engraved on th cemetery infront of her. 

Tira slowly moved her hand and traced the letters engraved on the stone. She clasped her lips between her lips , but all the emotions she was holding from this long , flooded out when her fingers contacted with the cemetery.

Soo many blurry memories flashed Infront of tira's eyes. She heard soo many voices around her.  Soo many laughters are ringing around her. Soo many happy moments started rolling inside her head , which made her smile a little.

Between all those Tears , all those sobs,  Suddenly a small smile made it's way up to tira's face . She started giggling with happiness. She caressed the concrete surface with her palms, and let some words rolled out from her tongue after she remembered her actual reason of coming back here. 

"I'm sorry for crying infront of you , but i can't help it" tira sobbed and wiped her tears off her cheeks "you thought I won't come right? Huh come on. You know I can't skip your special day even though you pissed me off badly this time " time said folding her hands up to her chest and puffed her cheeks , pretending to be angry.

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