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"I'll open the door"

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"I'll open the door"

Tira said , meanwhile standing up slowly from her seat. There is this feeling inside tira , which is telling her that behind that door is waiting for someone , she been waiting wholeheartedly from soo long . But circumstances are making her feel scared , and the time is not helping her at all.

Tira took a step with wobbling legs , trying to get her shits together. however before she could take another step ahead , she felt a grip around her palms tugging her slightly to Stop her from going any further.

She froze.

Looking down at the hand of that person , tira turn towards the person. Only to find tae-hyung looking at her with a somewhat stern , angry type of expression.

"You aren't going anywhere..." Tae-hyung Said in a finalized tone and stood up on his feets. Tira was about to roll her eyes on him when she saw him trying to intimidate her, but before tae-hyung started saying some facts "It's literally half past one . And someone is ringing the door bell of the apartment where two teenage girl lives. It's definitely unsafe" tae-hyung explained.

"What if some kind of serial killer is here to kill you or gargi??"

Said tae-hyung and turned towards Jimin , who's looking at him with fond smile. "Go and open the door.." the raven head said nonchalantly , taking Jimin off guard "hey! Why me!?" Jimin protested more like whined when All the fondness he has towards his friend vanished and now he's looking at his friend with wide eyes.

"Because it's your birthday.." jung kook said and literally made Jimin stand on his feet by pulling him from the febric of his hood , with just took one hand and no effort. "Now go!" Said Jung kook before he pushed Jimin towards the door . However jung kook didn't mean to push him hard , but being the muscular boy he is , his little force made Jimin to stumble exactly infront of the door within seconds.

Poor silver hair guy glared at his muscular friend, before adjusting his hoodie. Jimin gulped hard and put a hand over his chest to make himself calm. He don't have any idea about always why he's the one doing stuff like these .

Looking at the door , which is giving off Erie energy , Jimin held the umbrella kept on the entrance . Slowly slowly , with increasing heartbeat, Jimin started approaching the door knob. The door bell rang again making him flinch , and the hair behind his neck to stand up in fear.

Holding the knob in her grasp , Jimin gulped again. After few seconds of controlling his uneven breaths , Jimin twisted the knob. Making the umbrella ready to hit whoever is waiting on the other side of the door , Jimin swiftly swing open the door.

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